Chapter 4

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((There are a few offensive slurs in this chapter. Sorry everyone but Gabriel is an ass in this book...well at first anyway.))

Another week passed and Aziraphale was getting ready for dinner. Crowley promised him that they would go out to the nice restaurant that just opened up. It was one of those posh restaurants that were black tie only. He was very excited and nearly jumped for joy when the doorbell rang. When he opened it up he was greeted by the sight of Crowley wearing this beautifully elegant, yet sexy black lace dress. She was also wearing the necklace labeled she/her. She had a full face of makeup including bright red lipstick and on-point eyeliner. Her hair looked a lot longer than usual due to very long extensions that stretched down her back to her bottom.

Aziraphale was speechless, she looked incredible. "How do I look?" she asked looking at Aziraphale. He snapped out of his thoughts and smiled wide. "You look absolutely ravishing!" he said breathlessly as he looked at her. "You are very beautiful. Shall we leave?" he asked holding out his arm for her to take. Crowley nodded and smiled a bit taking his arm and walking to the car. 

"Crowley will you be able to drive in those heels?" he asked. She just laughed "I'm wounded by your lack of faith Aziraphale. Of course, I can drive in six-inch heels." she said proudly as she got into the car. Az got into the other side and they drove to the restaurant together. As they arrived Crowley got a few strange looks, but it was nothing that he wasn't used to. They walked into the restaurant and got seated.

As they were eating, a man approached looking kind of angry. Crowley had seen the man before but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Then suddenly without warning Aziraphale grabbed her hand. "H-Help me." he said quietly. The man walked up to them and began talking rather angrily. "Aziraphale where the hell have you been? You leave without warning, won't answer your phone, and now I see you in a restaurant with a...a...a tranny?!" Crowley looked shocked and a bit hurt. Who was this man and why was he talking to Az like this?

Crowley spoke up. "Um excuse you but what right do you have to talk to him like that?" she said angrily. The man looked at Crowley and made a disgusted face. "I'm his brother and if you'll excuse me I wasn't addressing you so how about you just shut up, sir."

With this remark, Aziraphale stood up. "Gabriel that is enough! You will not insult her like that! I will not allow it! The reason I left is because of situations such as this one. I know you do not agree with my sexual orientation or lifestyle but that gives you no right whatsoever to insult this beautiful woman of whom I've grown very fond. Now, if you would excuse me I would like to have a nice dinner with said woman. Goodbye, Gabriel." 

Crowley looked up at Aziraphale who was livid. She smiled slightly and grabbed his hand. "Azi, it's alright dear, some people just can not handle our perfect lifestyle." She stood up with him and glared at Gabriel. "Sir I would really love it if you would kindly fuck off. Me and my friend would like some time away from your intollerant bullshit." She sat back down and gestured to the food. "Shall we?" 

Aziraphale nodded and sat back down. He looked at Gabe and said. "Yes, in fact, do leave. I'd rather not have your disapproval ruining my life." he began to eat his crepes. Gabriel stood dumbfounded. "Are you just going to let him talk to me like that Aziraphale?! You obviously need to come back home and figure out how to treat your family because if t-" he was cut off by Aziraphale. "You are no family of mine. I am making a new family, one made of people who love and accept me unlike you. Crowley is an amazing person and SHE makes me happy. You, on the other hand, do not make me happy. You make me incredibly angry and self-conscious so I have decided that I do not need you or any of the others in my life. Now for the last time, you need to leave!" he snapped.

Crowley put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down as Gabriel walked away looking extremely shocked. Crowley looked at the very angry Aziraphale and sighed. "Don't let him get to you Azi. He's an asshole and you don't need him in your life." Aziraphale nodded and looked at Crowley he had tears running down his face. "I-I'm not hungry anymore would you like the rest of my food?" he asked quietly. Crowley frowned deeply. "Aziraphale how about we take this food home and eat it. I can tell you aren't feeling well. Especially if you are refusing to eat crepes. "Aziraphale just nodded and stood. Crowley packed the food and the two left.

When they got home Aziraphale broke down in Crowley's arms. She held him as he cried. "Why can they not accept me? Why do they have to hate me so much? Am I really that unloveable?" Crowley tilted Aziraphales head up and looked into his watery eyes. "No there is not a single bit of you that is unloveable Aziraphale. You are absolutely incredible. There is no good reason why they act that way other than they are intolerant idiots. You are a perfect Angel." she said gently running her fingers through his hair.

Aziraphale smiled a little bit. "C-Could ou call me that more often? I quite like it." he said making the woman in front of him, smile. She giggled a bit and said. "Of course, Angel."They stayed cuddling on the couch for quite some time before they both fell asleep still in their fancy clothing. Neither of them seemed to mind as long as they stayed in each other's arms.

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