CHT Five: Ryan X Cookie

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I KNOW I ENDED THE BOOK!!! But  @LegoBronyClockwork  gave me a good suggestion so i'll do theirs.

Cookie's P.O.V

UGHGGH! I can't stop but feel this certain feeling around ryan!! is it...No it can't be! Tina would be sooo mad!  And she would hurt him too. Can't let my cutie get hurt! WHAT THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS?!?

Ryan's P.O.V

How come every-time Cookie's in the room or near me i just feel this it...Tina would beat me up sooo hard! Cookie too! I don't want Cookie to get hurt. WAIT WHAT!?

CookieJar: RYAN!!!

Teaan: COOKIE!!

CookieJar: What's wrong love? WHAT HELP NO I MEANT WHAT IS HAPPENING!??!

Teaan: Why do i feel a weird feeling around you!

CookieJar: SO you feel it too?!? IDK!

Teaan: Unicorn! Unicorn can help! Maybe it was one of goldy's pranks!

Cookiejar: I guess love. O MY CAN WE GO NOW?!? THIS IS GETTING AWKWARD!

Teaan: YA!

*Both left the chat*

Ryan's P.O.V


Unicorn: What do you need and stop yelling!

Unicorn: And why is Cookie here?

Every-time me and cookie are around each other we get a real weird feeling. We think that it;s one of Goldy's Pranks.

Cookie: What he said!


*Look at the eyebrows*

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*Look at the eyebrows*


UNICORN!! Don't give us that look!

Cookie: Just try to help us! 

Unicorn: Ok fine.

*After trying every possible way.*

Unicorn: I tried everything.

really!?! Was that EVERYTHING!?!

Cookie: Ryan, if he said tha- *IGNORED HARD CORE*

There has to be at least another way!!

Unicorn: I tried. There's none.  It's just from you guys.

Cookie: What do you mean?

*Confused Ryan look* Wha?

Unicorn: It's means that you too like like each other.

Cookie: WHAT!! N-NOOO IT CAN'T BE ThaT!! If TIna found out she would kill me!

Unicorn: Well, it isn't a prank. There are no potions. No Magic. No anything. It's just from the emotion.

Cookie: Ohnotinawillfindoutandtheniwillbedaedandnotherefriend

Unicorn: well, i beter get back to work.

The end

Oh and if your wondering what happened to Ryan and Cookie:

Cookie: *Panicking for Life*

Ryan: Either what Unicorn said killed him or ya.

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