Chapter 1- Syn

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"Yes, Mrs. Whitmore," Syn called to the lady that was standing at the door, looking flustered. She smiled, her purple eyes shining with happiness and light that her whole body radiated. "I will be fine. It is not that dark out." She glanced around the area to see if her person was there, waiting for her before she looked back at the older female, who had walked her to the door.

"But, Dear," the female, Mrs. Whitmore, said, running a hand over her bulging belly. Worry was in her eyes, and she could see the compassion that not many people had for the "nineteen-year-old" female. She studied the young female, standing before her, trying to coax her into taking the ride she offered on the way to the front door. "Are you sure that you do not want me to drive you home? It is no trouble at all."

Syn shook her head and offered her an encouraging smile. She was anxious to leave, knowing that the person that had been following her was waiting for her to start the journey back to her house.

She knew that someone had been following her for over a year, but... she felt comfortable amongst them, well rather him. She knew that he just watched over her and never tried to make contact with her, much to her despair.

"Synthia, Dear," Mrs. Whitmore said, pulling the "young" female from her thoughts. Mrs. Whitmore smiled amused when Syn ducked her head and muttered an apology. "You best be going," she said, shooing her away. "Call me when you get home, ok? I want to make sure that you are safe.

Syn grinned and nodded her head. "Yes, Ma'am," she replied. She waved goodbye before she started to walk home.

She was grateful that she knew a shortcut, making the normally fifteen-minute trip in five minutes.

A frown appeared on her face when she looked up to see the sky darkening quicker than she hoped for. Maybe I should've... She quickly shook her head and pursed her lips. No, I will not have her driving in the dark being this close to her delivery date. I can do this.

She paused at the alleyway that led to her house, her whole body tensing and screaming for her not to go in. She also could've sworn that she heard someone tell her not to go in but decided that it should be fine. It had to be fine. She had been this way for as long as she could remember.

Syn took a deep breath and started to walk that way, hiking her backpack up her shoulders. "Let's do this," she whispered before stepping into the dark alleyway.


The alleyway was colder than normal. Dread dug its way into her stomach, and she couldn't help but look behind her, having this feeling that something was following her. And, she knew that it might not be friendly.

Syn was surprised that she could see in this dark, but she didn't think about it. She knew that there were some differences between her and her sister, knowing that she was adopted.

A moving shadow pulled Syn out of her thoughts and caused the female to stop walking through the alleyway. Her whole body was tense, and she made a gesture as if she were holding a sword.

"What the hell?" she muttered, realizing what she was doing. She shook her head and looked around, noticing that it was darker than she had first thought. "Hello?" she asked, looking around. She grabbed the straps of her bag tighter and looked around to see if there was someone, or something, there, watching her. "Anyone there?"

A growl resonated around her, and she turned in the direction that she thought it came from.

"Show yourself," Syn said, standing tall. She narrowed her eyes and bared her teeth, watching, and waiting.

A scream almost escaped her lips when the creature appeared from the shadows before her. Her eyes were wide, and her heart pounded in fear and adrenaline as she looked at this... thing in front of her.

The creature was all black and looked as if it came from the shadows it hid in. The eyes were black as night, staring deep into the "young" female's soul. The teeth on the beast gleamed white in the darkness with what looked like blood dripping from its jowls.

Syn blinked, trying to fight the controlling gaze but found out that she couldn't. She tried not to look into its eyes, only to have this command on her to look into the deep pits and take a step forward. Her head was cocked, and her mouth was open a bit while she walked towards the thing, not having control over her body.

Something pushed her back, and the female gasped out in surprise and shock. She covered her face as the sound of fighting happened above her and closed her eyes. She prayed to The Five that whoever was protecting her would win because she was worried about the person. If it was actually a person and not something else, something more.

Snarls and hisses filled the air, leading Syn to believe that what was protected her was not human at all. She didn't know of any human that could hiss like that.

As the fighting died down, Syn uncovered her eyes to what looked like a man standing in front of her. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she felt this excitement and happiness that she couldn't understand flutter around because she felt complete with him there. "W-W-W-Wait," she called out, seeing the male start to leave. Her heart started to pound, but this time it was from excitement but fear.

Panic filled the "young" female, and she didn't know why, but she didn't want him to leave her alone. She felt... complete with him being there. She felt... whole again as if this male had answers that she sought, of a life that she did not understand and only felt like a dream.

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