Chapter 12

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The dark calico's words echoed in Fireflight's ears.

"Be patient," she had said, "We have time. We will win, but only if you don't ruin it with your excitement."

What did Mapleshade know? She had not amounted to anything in her life, and she was telling Fireflight what to do? Laughable!

"Fireflight," a tom called out.

"Longtail," the name billowed in a cloud from her muzzle.

He carefully approached. It was dark in the sky, but the snow reflected what little light there was, offering a shimmer to the night.

"Are you okay?" he asked although he knew the answer.

"I'm fine!" she snapped.

He blinked at her, came over to sit beside her. They were both silent for a moment, only her seething breath breaking the stillness. The snow had stopped falling, so Silverpelt shone overhead. Longtail looked up at them and waited for the right moment.

"Do you think Robinwing is watching over us right now?

This caught her off guard.


He blinked at her, "That's what you told Ravenpaw. Were you being honest?"

"Of course I was!" she replied as if her were dumb.

"What do you think they want of us?" he asked.

She looked up and a sense of dread filled her. She used to have faith in StarClan, but that had since gone away with her joyful youth.

"I don't know," she admitted.

He sighed, "The clan isn't doing so well. Do you think we'll survive?"

Blinking helplessly, Fireflight said, "I'm sure. We are ThunderClan!" But she was not really so sure.

Some more moments passed in which they said nothing. Finally, Longtail said, "Let's go to sleep now." He turned, waited for her to follow, and they made their way to the Warriors' Den.

Bluestar shouldn't be leader; she betrayed her clan and kits.

Someone has to take over and help the clan.

Redtail is better than Bluestar; his daughters are pure ThunderClan!

Fireflight was out on her own. She could not go to the sunningrocks on this oddly sunny day. Instead, she wandered the forest, pretending to hunt. She could not concentrate. All she could think about was dethroning Bluestar.

She continued wandering until she heard a voice. It was older but regal.

It was Bluestar.

Fireflight snuck through the snow and dead brush, careful to make as little noise as possible. Once she had Bluestar in sight, the leader separated from her hunting party, she made a decision.

The younger cat leapt and the older, the blue falling into the snowy dead grass beneath the brown and red.

"Fireflight," Bluestar gasped, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I know about your kits, Bluestar," Fireflight hissed, "I know you shouldn't be leader!"

Bluestar's eyes widened like pools of melting snow. Fireflight was ready to make a killing blow, but Bluestar managed to push the heavier she-cat off of her. Not ready to give up, Fireflight circled her leader. Passion was flowing in her blood, puling through her heart with every beat.

"Fireflight, you must stop this," Bluestar calmly told the younger cat.

"No, now is time!" Fireflight insisted. She charged at Bluestar and barreled her over, lunged with her fangs bared.

"Bluestar?" a familiar voice rang out.

Fireflight's heart dropped. It was not but a mere moment before she was pulled off of the blue-grey cat.

"Redtail," Fireflight growled at him, "stay out of this!"

He was clearly confused, "What are you doing?"

"What is right!" Fireflight declared, "And I'll take you down too, if I must!"

But the brush was rumbling. Fireflight knew she was outnumbered. Her bravery turned to fear, she turned and ran.

What do I do? She asked herself. I can't go back to Thunderclan now!

She was headed toward RiverClan territory.

Mapleshade's voice whispered loudly, "Stop, Fireflight, stop!"

But there was no changing Fireflight's course of action. The young warrior leapt off the edge of the ground and let herself plummet into the icy river below.

"Swim!" Maplehshade insisted.

But Fireflight allowed the water to cradle her as it pulled her deeper, her long furs weighing her down.

Mapleshade was trying to move the body, pulling at its scruff. But all that happened was a separation of Fireflight's being from her drowned body.

"No!" Mapleshade hissed, "You mousebrain!"

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