21: V's house

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"Mary I'm heading over to V with Betts you want to come?" i yelled grabbing my keys and purse "I'll see you later okay watch over the house don't go in the refrigerator" i said because the last time I left them alone i came home to the fridge open and food everywhere. "yeah here i come" Mary said as she walked downstairs and we headed out i stopped opening the door again "Lexa let's go you're coming too" i yelled again and i heard a moaned and she stumped down the stairs "do i have to?" 

"Yes let's go" i said grabbing her hands and walking with her towards the truck while Mary got in the back. "Who's Betty?" Lexa asked as she looked over towards me then Mary "Betty's Mary's girlfriend you remember the blonde hair one i was shopping with?"


"That's her"

"You're dating nancy drew Mary" Lexa said laughing i giggled right along with her "Before i started dating her she was Mel's boyfriend girlfriend but you know Mel once she finds something she likes nothing's going to stop her"

"Shut up" i said rolling my eyes and Mary started to laugh as we headed to Betty's house.


"Hey guys," Betts said as she got in the truck leaning over to kiss Mary then sitting back. We headed to V's. "Hey, Mel long time no see," Mr. S said smiling at me "Hey Mr. S, i brought you Pops" i said handing him the bag of food "Thank you should i call Mrs.Lodge or-"

"Nowhere here to see V," i said smiling at him he nodded and walked us to the elevator "I assume you know where to go" he said smiling at me i nodded "Thank you Mr. S" i said as i pushed the elevator button to the Lodges apartment. "What was that about?" Betts asked and Mary laughed "Shut up Mary and nothing Betts i use to come here all the time."

"A lot" Mary said laughing "A hella lot," Lexa said as she started laughing with Mary. "What i don't get it," Betts said looking from me to Mary to Lexa. "It's nothing sweetheart," Mary said kissing Betty and the elevator doors open. "Knock knock" i said knocking on the door "Hey guys" V said as she opened the door "Hey V" i replied following her into the dining room. "Hey guys and Lexa it's nice to see you again" V said smiling at Lexa. "Nice to see you again too" Lexa replied.

"Kevin's Secret Santa had a strict $20 limit, V." Betty said looking at all the presents then up a V. "Kevin needs to relax. Also, these aren't just for Secret Santa, obvi. I got a Hermes scarf for my mom, a leather passport case for my dad, now that he can travel again, and a little something for my best girls and a bauble for Archie." V said looking up at us. "Because you're getting back together?" Betty asked.

"Because it was purchased pre-breakup," Mary said looking at all the presents. "And haven't you heard? We're still friends."

"Oh, yeah."

"Isn't everyone?" i said smiling at V and helping her take the gifts to the car "I'll meet you at school okay?" V said we nodded getting in the truck and headed towards there. "Aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked looking over at Mary we just shrugged her shoulders "I can miss one day it's not going to kill me" I just laughed rolling my eyes and heading towards Riverdale High. 

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