8:23 am.

I jump down the stairs two at a time, almost falling at the third step and catching myself. Then I'm rushing towards the kitchen. I find my mom humming to herself and making omelets. She turns around when she hears my labored breathing and finds me bending down and huffing, hands on my knees.

"Eren", she sounds concerned. "What's the matter?"

"H-Have they..." Deep breaths. "Have they left already?"

Mom doesn't ask who I'm talking about. She just makes a thoughtful expression before smiling and shaking her head.

I'm about to turn around and rush out of the house when–

"Hold you horses, young man!"


I make a tortured expression, hoping she'll let me off the hook this time. But she doesn't budge. So with slumped shoulders I walk over to the kitchen counter and start making toasts. She notices my mood of course, and comes over to ruffle my hair and peck me on the cheek.

"Go after breakfast. They won't be leaving without meeting you."

I know she's right. She's always right, somehow. And at times it pisses me off. But right now, it actually makes me feel a little better. I heave a sigh and start helping her out. We make toasts and omelets. Mom makes coffee. We sit together and talk about things while having breakfast. Well, mostly mom talks and I reply with 'Hmm' or 'Yeah'. My mind is too scattered to hold a cheerful conversation at the moment.

Mom understands. We finish the rest of breakfast in silence.

By the time I'm done washing the dishes, the clock reads 9:18. I look at mom. She smiles and throws a white jacket in my direction.

"It's cold outside."

I grin in return and pull the jacket over my shirt. I put on my white sneakers and bolt out the door before she can say something about my shorts.

"Say goodbye for me too!" is what I last hear before I'm out of the house.


There's a white car in front of the house. As I walk in through the gates, I notice the driver leaning against the car door and reading a newspaper. He turns his head at the sound of the gates screeching, gives me a once over, then gets back to his paper.

While I'm deciding whether to stand outside and wait or go in, the front door opens and a man in his late twenties walks out with Hange. The man is average looking, with short brown hair parted down the middle and honey brown eyes. He's wearing a plain grey button down with black slacks and leather shoes. Hange, on the other hand, is a little more eccentric. They're wearing a v-neck with navy blue and white stripes and sleeves pushed up to their elbows, faded jeans folded up to just below their knees and white converse shoes.

I watch as Hange seemingly tries to explain something to this brown haired guy, aimlessly flinging their arms in the process. The man looks genuinely worried, with his hands raised in defense and a nervous frown on his lips. I stifle a chuckle.

Hange is scaring the poor guy.

"Eren!!" Ah! They've spotted me.

I wave at them, smiling.

"You came on your own!" Hange screeches and claps their hands like their favorite pet dog has just given birth to a cute puppy. "Thought I'd have to go over there and wake you up!"

My Neighbor's FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora