Only You

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One Direction Song of the Day: Gotta Be You (on the side)

* Niall's POV *

" Oh Nialler." I heard through my foggy senses.

" Go away. I don't wanna mum." I grumbled and pulled the covers over my head.

" It's time to get . . . . UP! TIME TO GET UP IN THE MORNING! TIME TO GET UP OR YOU GET NO, I REPEAT, NO BREAKFAST IN THE MORNING! " At the word breakfast, I was up and out of my bed faster than you can say, ' Stop, Mr. Leprechaun. ' I heard Louis chuckle as I ran past him. I didn't care though. My food is my baby. No one will keep me from. My. Food.

As I ran into the kitchen, I slid on the tile floor seeing that I was wearing socks. I slid right into a groggy Harry and I stopped because of the impact. Harry, however, wasn't so fortunate. He fell back, his freshly brewed tea spilling all over him, and he knocked Liam over. Liam flailed his arms while trying to get a good grip on something to keep him from falling.

Unfortunately, in the process of trying to save himself, Liam knocked over the pancake mix box that was sitting on the counter top, and all the contents of the box spilled on him, thus making him look like a ghost. While all these disasters played out, I grabbed myself a plate and filled it eggs, pancakes, and bacon. I assumed Harry had made breakfast, so I smiled at him while he just glared back.

Liam stood up and stomped to his room to get cleaned up, Harry took off his shirt and rung it out. All the hot tea poured into the sink and sort of reminded me of rain falling onto a roof top. I finished my breakfast and put my dish away.

" NIALLLLLL!! " Uh oh. When Harry is mad you do not want to be near him. ESPECIALLY in the morning. " MY FAVORITE SHIRT IS RUINED AND I AM GOING TO . . . " I didn't hear the rest of his sentence because I ran to my room, changed and ran out of the hotel room that the five of us shared so fast, that I am absolutely sure that I knocked down a lamp that used to stand next to the couches. Oh well.

As I walked up and down the corridor aimlessly, I heard a crash and ran towards the noise without a second thought. By the time I arrived at the scene, I saw a door falling off one of its hinges and a girl with long, dark brown hair walking away. I ran up to her and tapped her shoulder. I don't know how but I soon had one arm pressed to my back and a hand digging into my shoulder. My attacker turned me around and immediately let me go. I breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing the pain out of my arm.

" Hey Niall. Whats going on? " I heard and turned toward the person, confused on how they knew my name. I looked up and melted under the dark brown eyes that waited for my answer. My answer? Oh, right!

" Nothing. Just wanted to know why this door is off its hinges and on the floor. But I guess curiosity killed the Irish man. " I said. The pain in my arm turned to a throbbing and was fading away. . . slowly. Painfully slow, literally.

" Yeaaaah. I went all ninja on it because Dani didn't answer it within 4 knocks and I was worried. I thought she was in trouble, but she was just being lazy. Anyways, sorry for your arm but it's automatic for me to react like that to people sneaking up on me. " I did a double take, wondering if I heard correctly. Dang girl!

" Remind me to never get you mad and to never sneak up on you. " I really did NOT want this happening again. If she was happy and caused this much pain, I don't even want to THINK how much more worse it could be if she was angry.

" Never get me mad and never sneak up on me. There, you are reminded. "

" Okay. Thanks. " I chuckled. This lass is funny and never ceases to make me laugh." I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me and the guys, if you aren't busy. If you are I understand or if you just don't want to come, or if you don't like me or if you aren't comfortable enough around me yet, or- " I was worried that I was being too pushy or seemed like I was forcing her when I wasn't. She cut me off though.

" That would be great! Can I bring two other people though? " YES! I cheered in my head.

" That's perfect. I'll meet you in the lobby downstairs, in 1 hr. Okay? " I wasn't sure what was a good time and I still had to make sure that the lads were alright with this.

" M'kay. Bye my Irish buddy. Tootles. " HA! She called me her buddy. That high pitched voice was funny, but I like her normal voice WAYYYYYY better. Darn. This girl is really getting to me.

" Bye. " I turned away and fist pumped, not caring who saw me or what they thought. I am going to spend a whole day with the girl I liked. Now to tell the boys.

" BOOYYSS! GET READY!! " I yelled making sure they all heard me. We only had 1 hour to get ready and Zayn is going to be mad if he isn't looking just right. If he is even a hair off from "perfection" then he will be a pest the whole day. I want this day to go perfect with Shy. It must and it will.

" Why? " They all asked in unison.

" We are going out today with three of my friends that I just met. " I answered as vaguely as possible.

" Does this ' friend ' happen to be a girrrlliee? " Louis asked. I sighed. Always the pest.

" Yes. No. Maybe? " I wasn't entirely sure how the guys would take the news so I didn't answer completely. Cheers broke out and all the guys gave me a pat on the back.

" My little Nialler is all grown up! " Louis fake sobbed. What a drama queen.

" YOUR Nialler? He is MY leprechaun! " Liam argued. Here we go.

" BOOBEAR! HOW COULD YOU! " Harry cried dramatically. Louis rushed to his side and comforted him. Larry Stylinson is all I have to say.

" You guys if you don't get ready, you can't come. I'll take the girls myself to the London Eye and then the fa- " I didn't get to finish my sentence because all the boys scrambled to their seperate rooms to get ready.

" NOOOO! I MUST go to the fair! " Louis shouted. I laughed to myself and made sure Zayn was up and knew what was happening.

" Zayn! YOU BETTER WAKE UP AND GET READY! WE ARE GOING OUT AND IF YOU AREN'T READY, WE WILL TAKE YOU AS YOU ARE! " I shouted from the doorway. He didn't move at all. Okay. I must change tactics.

"Oh. These scissors look good against your hair Zayn. I wonder if they would look as good against your bald head..."

" NOOOOO. NOT THE HAIR! " Zayn ran to the bathroom. I laughed and told him the plans for today. He muttered that he was getting ready and I went downstairs to wait for them to finish. I sat on the sofa and lounged around thinking about Shy. She was very down to earth and had a good sense of humor. I hoped she knew how to cook, then I would be sold. I like her a lot but that would make it all the better. . .

" NIALL! Snap out of it! " I jumped and bumped foreheads with Liam.

" Ooooh. Was little Nialler thinking about a CERTAIN someone? " Louis asked teasingly.

" Dude! You are sooooo whipped! " Harry laughed. I didn't care what the boys thought. I only cared what Shy thought of me. She is the only one for me and I know that for sure. No one can compare to her, in looks, humor, laugh, compassion, smile, anything at all. She is perfect and no one can compare to her no one. There is only her.

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