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John: So what were you guys talking about.

He says as he looks at his computer with one of his hand under his chin.

Me: *nervously* NOTHING !

He turns around and looks at me.

John: Must be something important for you to hide from me. What is it ?
Me: Ummm well that...

Come on, come in think of something !!

Me: I was thinking of getting a cat.
John: Oh, well I'll help you look for one if you'd like. *smiles*

Great now I actually have to get a cat.

Me: Mhm okay ! *smiles*.

Times skipped

Me: Stooop it *in a sleepy voice*

I felt a slight nudge on my arm. Rocking me back and forth. I waved my hand around with my eyes closed in order for me to know who's around me.



Sounded like John.

Me: Let me sleep in peace !
John: Wake up y/n.
Me: Leave me alone.
John: Can I at least take u to my bed.
Me: What ??!

I said as I stood up. I looked around my surroundings finding that I was sleeping on the floor the whole time.

John: Not like that. It's either I drag you to your room or just rest in my bed.
Me: Fine I'll sleep in your bed...night.
John: *light chuckle* good night.
Me: Wh...what about you ? *crosses arms*.
John: not really tired. Plus got a lot of editing to do.
Me: Don't stay up to long.

I laid my head on the pillow and when fast asleep.

Time skipped

I woke up by my alarm ringing right next to my ear. I turned it off and sat up from the bed. I looked around and saw John sleeping on his desk. I got up and walked towards him to tell him to go to his bed for more comfort.

He stood up and made his way to the bed where as I left his room and into the restroom. On my way there, Cam stopped me.

Cam: Morning.
Me: Morning *smiles*. Whats up ?
Cam: I wanted to say sorry bout yesterday.
Me: what about it ?
Cam: I told Kendra to talk to you about John and you.
Me: Oh...it's okay, to answer your question, no I don't like John, plus why would he get with me, I'm not trying to get my hopes up.
Cam: alright then, I'm done asking.

He says as he walks downstairs.

Cam: For now...

I shook my head and headed the restroom.

Knock knock

Me: Yeah ?
Craig: Foods ready !!
Me: I'll be right there !

I opened the door only to see John waiting at the stairs.

Me: who you waiting for ?
John: You.
Me: Oh , well then shall we ? *smiles*.

He nodded and started making his way downstairs as for I to follow behind him. We entered the kitchen and sat down near the counter where Craig was serving breakfast for all of us. Sammy was washing the dirty dishes and Cam was getting the things we need to add it on our food.

Craig: Enjoy ! *smiles*.

He says as he handed us plates filled with pancakes, eggs  and bacon.

Me: *mouthful*  Craig this is delicious!

He replied with a nod and a smile.


Cam: Me and the guys were thinking that it would be best if we should go back to Australia this Friday.
John: So soon ?
Cam: As much as I upload very fucken rarely , I at least have to make a video for them to watch. Plus Toby wants to stream and swagger just wants to be in his room.
Me: Getting home sick I see. *smiles*.
Cam: What bout you ? When u going back home with us ?
Me: I'm not sure honestly. I really got nothing to do back home.
Cam: What about your stream ?
Me: the difference between youtubers and streamers is that youtubers have to at least have a video ready to upload or make a video to upload. Whereas a streamer we can stream or not as we please.
Cam: We don't HAVE to.
Me: But then ya know some people become impatient and then you know what happens.
Cam: Nah it won't happen.
Me: your channel.

I say as I got up and walked back upstairs to the guest room. I shut the door and flopped myself onto the bed, my face looking at the ceiling.

Knock knock

Me: Come in.

As I heard the door knob rattle, I sat up and saw John.

Me: What's up ?
John: Just wanted to check up on you if you were okay.
Me: I'm fine. Why ?
John: Just how the way you talked to Cam.

I started laughing uncontrollably.

Me: You're funny John.

He had a confused expression.

Me: That's how me and Cam talk. If we are nice to each other its because 1. We did something bad and we don't them to find out or 2. We hurt each other feelings unintentional. We can be brutal to each other and we can be completely fine. All the guys are very brutally honest, so I started to be like that ONLY with them.
John: Oh...*scratches behind neck*. I just thought something happened between you two.
Me: If that ever happened , Cam knows that I won't be talking to him until he apologizes, only if he done sum shit to me, if I did something to him that's when I try to be nice to him.
John: Alright. *lightly chuckles*.

He says as he leaves.

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