Chapter 6-- I Owe Her

Start from the beginning

"You are listed as the emergency contact for Derrick Stevenson."

"Yes I am, is there a problem?" I asked getting worried. Harry who gripped tightly onto the steering wheel looked slightly at me. But then he went back to looking at the road. The person on the phone took a deep breath which made me even more nervous. 

"We are sorry to inform you but on a secret mission, Derrick's Plane crashed. He was killed on impact." My eyes widened, my heart stopped. I felt my face turn pale. I gasped for air. The phone fell out of my hand. Harry looked at me. 

"Kate, whats wrong?" I couldn't answer him. I couldn't talk. I couldn't breath. I couldn't operate. "Kate whats wrong? Your scaring me!"

"Derrick," I could not say it. That would make it real. It feels like a joke. This is some wicked joke right. 

"Derricks what?"

"Derricks dead…" Tears poured out of my eyes. 

"Oh my God, Katie what-come here" I felt his arms wrapped around me. He pulled me in and cried into the crook of neck. 

"Harry, Derricks gone. What am I going to do! Harry." I sobbed louder. 

"Shh- Shh-" He cooed into my ear. 

"Harry what the fuck am I gong to do?!" I yelled. Harry put his hand on my shoulders. With the other hand he pulled over to side of the road.  

"Katie, look at me. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are courageous. You are going to be fine. I know it may be hard. I know you will make through it though it." He knows! He knows! How the hell would he know!?

"You know. " I pulled away. First come sorrow, next comes hate. "How the fuck do you know? How the fuck am I going to get through this?"

"I was just trying to help-"

"Fuck. What the fuck am I going to do! How am I going to tell Darcy? Fuck, fuck fuck my fucking life! "

"I don't know Katlyn. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say when the girl I loves boyfriend dies. I don't know what to say!" I felt like I was going to vomit. Did Harry just say he loves me. Did he really think it was time for this?

"Seriously! Harry really? Do you think it is time for that?" I got up out of the car and slammed the door. I waked across the street and just crouched down into a ball. There were no cars coming, so I just stayed there. I heard Harry's car drive away. I stayed there. Derrick was gone, and I was alone. No one was on my side. 

Harry's POV

I hit the steering wheel. What did I just do? Did I seriously just use the fact that her boyfriend died as a way to tell her I love you. Fuck. I saw Katie walk across the street, I should have gotten out and seen if she was ok but I was just too embarrassed. I looked down at the clock, Darcy would be getting out of school by now. I put the car into drive and drove off to Darcy's school. Katie needed time to cool down, and me getting Darcy would take something off her mind. I tried to find Darcy by driving around the block but eventually I parked the car and threw on a sweater. I brushed my hair in front of my eyes, hoping that not every girl in the world would see threw my horrible disguise. I spotted Darcy but sadly others spotted me. 

"Darcy!" She looked up at me and frowned but started walking towards me any way. 

"Oh my god! It's Harry STYLES!!"

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I ran past the mobbing girls and picked Darcy and almost chucked her over my shoulder. I ran, as fast as my legs could. I felt Darcy giggling against my shoulder. It made me smile. I heard picture snapping. I could see the headlines now, Harry Styles Kidnaps Child. Holy crap, then I am going to have to explain this to the press. She my um, friends daughter. Fuck me. 

"Where are we going Harry theres no one behind us."I heard Darcy saying slightly punching my back. I turned to see we were blocks away from the school, and my car. I put Darcy down and went to take her back pack from her but she turned so I missed it. 

"Whats wrong Dar?"

"Your whats wrong… Your my real daddy but the only one who cares about me is Derrick." I gulped. Derrick. Should I tell her? Should I let Kate do it? Darcy would hate me forever! She would blame it on me, she was only five. If I tell her, it would take one thing of Kate's mind. I gulped.

"Darcy Derrick, Derrick- Well you know how Derrick, daddy" I cringed. But it would make it seem better. "Daddy flies the planes." Her eyes lit up like I turned on a a switch. 

"Yeah! Mommy told me he does it so I can live in America. He's a hero- unlike you.." I nodded.

"I know, I am not a hero. I am far from it. Your dad was a hero. He was an amazing person, I am saying that and I never met him."

"Well you get to meet him in one month. One whole month. Thats um- um- 20 no um 12 days." I smirked, which was quickly over thrown with the memory that I would have to tell her. I can't look into her eyes and lie to her. 

"Darcy" I said bending down to her level. I took her hand in my hand. Her hand was so small in mine. "Do you know what happens when people die?"

"Um they go to sleep forever. But mommy says they go to a big castle in the sky." I nodded. 

"Yeah, they do. They are very happy forever and ever. They watch you and make sure you are safe. And even though they might not be on Earth anymore they are still with you, in your heart." 

"Harry, why are you telling about this?" She asked tipping her head to the side. 

"Darcy, Derrick is dead." She did not know how to react. Her eyes were wide and I saw a tear slide down her cheek. Following was water works. She jumped into my arms and I felt her tears on my shoulder. God, I couldn't stand it when Katie cried, how the hell was I supposed to do it when my Daughter was crying. Darcy was my Daughter and it was time for me to be a Dad. I owed it to her. I owed it to Derrick, who spent his time taking care of my girls. Now it was my time. 

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