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*warning* light violence

Baekhyun bends slightly and pinches the tip of his ear and pulls. Jimin squeaks and pulls away, rubbing his ear tenderly. "That hurts." Hoseok watches with soft eyes as Baekhyun continues to assault the smaller boy. 

"Have we got a hybrid on our hands?!" He laughs maniacally as he roughly pulls up Jimin's shirt, revealing the tail wrapped around his waist. "I think we do!" Jimin quickly unwinds his tail and attempts to flick it away from the other's grabby hands. Baekhyun latches on and pulls sharply. Jimin yelps in pain and tries to pull it out from his grip. Hoseok steps in and puts a hand on his shoulder. 

"Baekhyun, that's enough. You'll get kicked out." He reluctantly lets go and turns off the light.

"Night, nerds."

"Has it been a month?" Time surely passes slower when pain is present.

"It has. Come with me." Jimin follows to social worker out to his car.

"You and I have done this multiple times so try not to lose your patience. I know it's tedious."

"Sorry 'bout last time, sir. I didn't mean it."

"I know. So, how's the living quarters? Got your own room and stuff?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"What's that mean?" 

"I share a room."

"Is it big enough?"


"And you're being fed well?"

"Yup." The social worker looks him up and down.

"You're sure? 3 meals?" Jimin nods. "Any bullying or violence?" Jimin opens his mouth to answer, but hesitates. The social worker takes note of this.

"Yeah." He finally answers. 

"From who?"

"One of the kids I room with. Everyone else is nice though."

"Mhm." He scribbles it down in his notebook. "I would pack your stuff, Jimin. And tell that kid to do the same. What's his name?"

"Baekhyun. Why do I have to pack?"

"Both of you are leaving."

"Why me?"

"If I were to just remove him, the other kids could mimic his behavior. And also judging by your treatment, I believe they may be biased against hybrids."

"Isn't everyone?"

"Some aren't. You'll just have to find them."

You Smell Like Love (jikook)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora