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Barry's POV
My phone rings I look at it and it's HR

"It's HR he needs us at star labs." I say before I run to star labs and I see a breach opening.

"Maybe it's Harry and Jesse." I say

"Maybe or it could be." He says as supergirl and her friends come in.

"Supergirl" HR finishes

"Kara" Barry says as we put her in the medical bed.

Then Caitlin comes in

"So what happened?" I asked

"Well we captured a guy from our earth and he escaped custody and he whammied her so we brought her here." Mon-El says

"So when we find him we need to punch him repeatedly until he undos this and I get to punch him first." Mon-El says

"I'm sorry who are you?" I ask

"Oh I'm her boyfriend." He says

"I thought you guys broke up." J'ohn says

"Shh.." Mon-El shushes him

"Well I'm smart enough not to mention the break up between Barry and Caitlin." HR says

"HR no stop." I say

"Oh I'm so sorry I'll just go." HR says

"So can you describe this guy?"I ask

"Nope just that he can disappear and appear" Mon-El says

"Like this clown just did." Cisco says pointing at the screen.

I ran there

"Hi Barry Allen." The bad guy says

"Who are you?" I ask

"Music Meister." He says

"How do you know who I am?" I ask

"I know a lot of things." He says as I try to punch him but he caught it.

"Nighty night flash." He says as he wammies me.

Caitlin's POV

We need to go get him right now." I say running as fast as a normal person can run to the speed lab.

I go and take Barry and put him in the medical bed.

Barry's POV

I wake up to Kara singing. And after that we met up.

"Barry is that really you?" Kara asks

"Ya it's me and we have to get out of here." I say

"How are you here?" She asks

"Well your boyfriend brought you to my earth and the guy that whammied you showed up at star labs and wammied me." I tell her

"Fisrt of all Mon-El is not my boyfriend he's not even a friend he lied to me about who he was for 6 months." She says

"I'm sorry" I say

"I thought we were something special like you and Caitlin." She says as I look down.

"Well that's off track." I say

"Oh I'm sorry what happened?" She asks

"Well I proposed to her." I say

"That's Great did she not say yes?"She asks

"She said yes it's just I guess I asked for the wrong reason." I say

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