Vibe finds the truth

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Cisco's POV
I need to vibe to the future and see what happened to Caitlin I can't let my best friend die. I vibe to the future and see Savitar standing behind Caitlin and stabs her and Barry not fast enough to save her I go to her dead body and I look at her hand and there was no ring so he stops vibing the future and went to the cortex.

"Barry how about you tell your fiancé the real reason you proposed." I say

"Babe What's he talking about?" Caitlin asks Barry

"When you die in the future you didn't have a ring so I thought if I proposed it would change the future." Barry tells Caitlin as she walks out and Barry goes after her.

Barry's POV

"Cait! Wait." I yell

"What barry?" She asks

"I'm sorry Cait but I really do love you." I say

"Barry I just need time." She says going to her car.

I walk back in the cortex.

"Dude I'm so sorry I didn't know she was gonna react that way." He says as I walk past him and to the med bay sitting on the bed.

"Why would you do that Cisco? Now Caitlin will not want to marry me." I say

"She needed to know the truth." He says

"So you decided to vibe to the future and find out why I proposed. I proposed because I love Cait ok but I also did it to save her life!" I yell

"I'm sorry dude." He says

"I'm going to the loft to talk her." I say as I run to the loft I walk in and I see Caitlin sitting in a chair next to the table with the ring on the table.

"Cait what's going on?" I ask

"Barry I need space to think about what I want. So I will ask Cisco if I can stay with him for a while." She says

"No you take the loft I will stay with Joe. I just hope you come back to me." I say before I run to Joe's house.

"Hi Joe can I stay here for a while like a few nights?" I ask

"Of coarse son what's wrong did you And Caitlin get in a fight?" Joe asks

"She just needs some space from our relationship so she broke up with me." I say

"Don't worry son it's gonna get better." He says.

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