No more speed

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At star labs

Barry's POV

"Hey Cisco and Cait." I say as i give Caitlin a kiss.

"So I guess your date went well last night." Cisco says

"Yep" she says

My phone rings I look at it and it's joe I answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hi joe what's up" I say

"Come to the house right now you can bring Cisco and Caitlin." He tells us

"Ok we'll be right there." I say as I end the call

I sped us to west house and we see Joe standing in the living room.

"He took him" Joe said

"Who?" I ask

"Zoom took Wally" Joe tells me

"We'll find him. Does zoom want anything?" I ask

"He wants your speed Barry" Joe says

"Then I'll give it to him." I say

"What you can't give up your speed Barry." Joe says

"If it's to keep Wally safe than I'm doing it." I say

"Thank you barr." Joe says as he hugs me.

"Let's go to star labs and send a message to zoom to tell him that he can have my speed for Wally's freedom." I say

"Ok" they all said in sync.

At star labs

Caitlin's POV
"Cisco just sent the message ."I tell them

"Ok thanks for informing us Cait." Barry says

"No problem" I say

Then all of a sudden zoom runs in the cortex with Wally.

"Let him go than you get my speed." Barry says

After he let Wally go Barry gave his speed to zoom. Than zoom injected it in himself and ran and choked Barry.

"Jay stop I know deep down you still love me so please let him go!" I say scared

Then he let him go and took me and run out of the cortex.

Barry's POV
"CAITLIN!" I say tearing up

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