The Future

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Barry's POV
I was going to big belly burger and I accidentally ran to the future and saw Caitlin being stabbed by savitar then Jay Garrick from earth 3 pulled me back to the present.

"Is that actually going to happen is Caitlin gonna die 5 months from now?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"You could still change the future." He says

"But it might actually happen." I say tearing up.

"Ya"He says with his head down

"I'm so sorry barry." He says

"It's fine I will find a way to change the future." I say walking out.

I go to the loft to see Caitlin in bed. Sleeping so I go to bed as well.

2 weeks later

Me and Caitlin are in bed sleeping and I have a dream of her dying and shot up and gasp which wakes up Caitlin.

"Babe are you ok?" She asks

"Ya I'm fine Cait just a bad dream." I say

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks

"No lets go back to bed." I say laying down

"Babe you've been having bad dreams for the past 2 weeks tell me what's going on." She says

"I'm fine Cait." I say

"No your not tell me what is wrong." She says as she sits up.

"I said I'm fine!" I yell getting up

"No your not ok." She says getting up as well.

Then it just slips out.


"What?" She asks

"I'm so sorry Cait I didn't want to tell you like that." I say

"What do you mean?" She asks

"When I was running to big belly burger I guess I ran really fast and accidentally ran to the future and I saw Savitar standing behind you and he stabbed you." I say

"When will it happen?"she asks tearing up.

"No this will not happen I promise we can change the future." I say

"But what if we can't barry would if Savitar actually does kill me." She says crying

"Hey I will not let that happen ok we will change the future I will not let Savitar lay a finger on you." I say

"Ok" she says hugging me and cry's on my shoulder.

"It's ok it's gonna be fine." I say

"Is this why you keep having bad dreams?" She asks

"Ya" I say

"We should tell the team." She suggests

"Ya tomorrow morning." I say

The next day

Caitlin's POV

We go to star labs to tell the team.

"Guys we need to tell you something." I say

"What is it is every thing ok?" Iris asks

"Umm Barry tell them." I say looking down

"Ok." He says

"I was going to big belly burger and I guess I ran really fast because I ran to the future and I saw Savitar standing behind Caitlin and he stabs her." He says tearing up

"What how do we stop it from happening?" Cisco asks concerned

"Jay said we could change the future I know exactly how." He says

"How?" I ask

"Before Savitar killed you there was a news report saying that there was a gorilla attack in Central City if we just stop that from happening than we might actually change the future." He says as a breach opens and Jesse comes out of it.

"I need your help." Jesse says

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Grodd he took my dad." She says worried.

"It's gonna be ok Jesse we will get your dad back." Barry says

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