20. criminals & resentment

Start from the beginning

Hayden stepped in front of me. "It's okay, Khlo."

I laughed, but it was only slightly. "That's the first time you've ever called me Khlo."

Hayden smiled. "I'm warming up."

"Let's go." Dad tugged on my arm.

Hayden and I followed my dad and Jules outside.

Sitting in the car was horrible. I wanted nothing more than just to see Alicia healthy and happy. The police station wasn't necessarily close to my dad's house, so we still had a little while until we got there.

"I wonder how Andrew is going to explain this whole situation to Alicia, in a way that she would understand."

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Once we all got to the police station, Hayden and I practically ran out of the car.

I just kept walking with Hayden close behind me, until I saw my mom and Andrew. "Hey!" I yelled and both of their heads snapped up into my direction. "Where are they?"

Mom's eyes were red and puffy. It looked like she had been crying for days, which I'm sure wasn't an exaggeration. "They should be here any second now." Mom shook her head. "Then they're going to lock Luna up forever!"

Andrew tilted his head. "What do you expect?"

"She's still my daughter!" I had never seen my mom so angry. "How do you really expect me to feel Andrew? Luna is my child."

I looked over at Hayden and he looked just as uncomfortable as I was. "Please don't fight." I mumbled quietly.

They both stopped talking and looked over at me. "Everyone is feeling stressed right now. There is no need to fight."

Mom nodded her head. "I'm sorry if I'm making this worse for you, Khloe." Mom's eyes suddenly landed on Hayden, like she had just realized that he was standing there. "Thank you for coming, Hayden. I appreciate you being there for Khloe."

Hayden smiled. "It's not a problem at all, Mrs. Bryant."

Mom waved her hand in the air. "Oh, call me Nia sweetheart."

Hayden chuckled as he nodded his head. "My bad, Nia."

Suddenly I heard the most disturbing laugh I have ever heard in my life.

I spun around very quickly, and my heart practically stopped all together. I didn't know how many exactly, but there had to be at least ten officers running into the police station in full suits, with guns strapped onto their hips. Two officers were holding Cadence very tightly.

She looked inconsolable. She was screaming and crying. Her blonde hair was a complete mess, her face was scarlet red, and she looked a lot skinnier from what I had remembered.

But Cadence wasn't the one who laughed.

It was Luna.

There was a police officer on either side of her, holding her down tightly. They were practically dragging her, because her feet weren't moving.

Luna looked completely insane and I was terrified. I was so shocked that I practically jumped back into Hayden's arms. I was shaking, and he could tell, so he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

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