My leg helplessly drug behind me as I slowly pulled myself to the cart, it took five minutes until I was finally at the cart. Only, just as I got there, the lights went out. I couldn't see anything. "Scott! Stiles! Someone!" I cried out in frustration. 

I blindly dug through the cart, relieved when I felt what I assumed was gauze and tape. I pulled up the hem of the gown, trying to ignore my lightheadedness. I pressed a good amount of gauze onto the wound and then grabbed the tape. 

The tape was pulled tightly around my leg, I hoped to cut off blood flow. I can't afford to lose any more blood. I wrapped the tape around multiple times before looking back in the cart, trying to find some asprin or something. Footsteps sounded from the other end of the hall and I froze. 

They grew closer and I spoke before I could think. "" My voice broke at the end. The steps stopped but quickly started toward me, relief washed over me as I recognized Allison, Isaac, and Mr. Argent. 

"Victoria?" Allison bent down beside me and instantly looked at my wound. She turned to her dad and shook her head. "Her stitches broke open... What happened?" I cried with happiness. Someone came to save me. "D-deucalion. My head hurts..." I groaned.

Mr. Argent nodded. "You two stay here, get her somewhere safe." The two nodded and he left us there. "I'll find some pain killers." Allison began quickly digging through the medical cart and I pulled Isaac down to me. He sent me a confused glance but I shook my head. 

"Isaac.." I swallowed hard. "Are they okay?" I asked, my heart beating fast in worry. Isaac furrowed his brows together in confusion. "Scott and Stiles?" I shook my head and put my hand on my stomach. 

"No, the babies. Are my babies okay?" Isaac's eyes went wide and Allison froze momentarily, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was if my babies were okay. "Isaac, I need you to listen for their heart beats. Can you please just do that for me?" I snapped in worry. 

He nodded and Allison went back to digging through the cart. After a moment Isaac sent me a nod. "They're fine. Two heart beats." I sighed in relief and rubbed over my stomach, my head still pounding lightly from the impact. I could feel my eyes growing heavy so I grabbed onto Isaac.

"I'm gonna pass out." I stated simply. Allison began cutting away my makeshift wrap, she had supplies in her hand to probably fix my stitches. Isaac shook his head. "No, you probably have a concussion, you can't sleep with a concussion. I read that somewhere." I shook my head and my eyes fell close. 

"I can't..." 

I sat up in the hospital bed, staring out the widows that lined the left wall. When I woke up, about five hours ago, no one was here. Not Scott, not Stiles, not even my dad. None of them were here. 

A sense of abandonment grew in my chest, making it clench in sadness. I was alone in a place I didn't recognize. The doctors say that I was dropped here last night by a man, who I only assume was Mr. Argent. 

Does my brother even know where I am? Does Scott? Do they even care? I shook my head, trying to ignore these thoughts. My eyes fall down to my stomach and I rub it with a small smile. At least I have them. 

The doctors say that my babies are okay, but they did endure a good amount of trauma with all my blood loss. They said that I need to rest for the next few days, basically I'm on bed rest. I can't even leave here until someone comes to pick me up. 

I tried calling Stiles, my dad, Melissa, Scott... No one answered. I wanted to call Danny but, he's still in pain from his hospital visit not too long ago. I flipped my phone in my hand and sighed in realization that I had to try again. 

Stiles finally answered on the third ring. "Hey." I scoff into the phone and I begin to feel my eyes water with anger. "Hey? Stiles you haven't been answering your phone all morning and the first thing you say is 'hey'?" 

"Victoria, I'm sorry, okay but, with dad and Melissa missing--" I cut him off with a gasp. "Dad's missing?" That explains why he isn't here, he never would've left me here alone. "Yeah, Jennifer has him." 

I shake my head in denial. "Well where is Scott?" I frown at the thought of Scott McCall. I can't help but feel slightly betrayed. He left me, even when Deucalion threatened mine and my babies lives. How could he do that to me? I screamed for him, and he still didn't come. 

"He's... with Deucalion." Stiles hesitantly answered. My blood went cold and I felt my body go rigid. "Stiles Stilinski, you better get your ass to this hospital and explain everything." I snap. Honestly, I'm tired of feeling out of the loop. Also, I really don't want to be in this hospital anymore. 

It didn't take long for Stiles to get here, thankfully with some clothes for me. I gave a thankful smile before quickly changing into the shorts and sweatshirt. Stiles faced the wall, giving me privacy while I changed. 

I sigh once I've finished, pressing the call button afterwards. I really want to get out of here. "So, explain." Stiles took a breath but he explained everything. From what happened last night, to the reason why everyone was MIA when I needed help, and Scott leaving with Deucalion. 

"Let's just go. I don't want to talk about this anymore." I sigh finally, I feel worn out from these past few days. I'm ready to go home and sleep for a week. The nurse walked in shortly after and gave me some paperwork to sign. She then told me that I wasn't allowed to walk on my right leg for the next two weeks--something about not wanting to risk my stitches opening again. 

Honestly, I'm not too mad about it. Crutches aren't that bad. After that, they gave me crutches and Stiles and I hobbled out of the hospital and to the Jeep. Neither of us spoke on the way home. I was hurt and left alone, I thought no one would come. 

"Why didn't you come?" I asked, my voice breaking the silence. I turned to my brother, his eyes were trained on the road and I could see a look of hurt cross his features. "Deucalion threatened to kill me...and you didn't come. No one came to save me." 

My voice broke as the pain from the past two days hit me. Too much has happened, I can't handle it. It's all so much. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my brother. He's supposed to protect me, we're family and he just left me. My head began to throb as the tears welled up in my eyes.

"I could've died, Stiles. And-and no one was there." I cried, tears falling from my eyes. Stiles turned to me, tears were in his eyes too. "I wanted to." He said. "I wanted to go get you right then but, Scott said Deucalion wouldn't hurt you--he said that Deucalion wanted him and that you'd be fine." 

Scott is the reason Deucalion took me... Scott is the reason they didn't come and rescue me. And to think I went out of my way to save someone who meant so much to him... but he wouldn't do the same to me. "I'm tired, Stiles. I'm so tired. I know I wanted--I wanted to know about this...but, I can't do it anymore. At least not now." 

Stiles nodded and wiped his tear off on his sleeve. "Okay. Let's get you home." 

A/N: Short chapter, I know. Also, I'm sorry for the late update--College just started and my classes are already filling me with homework. Hopefully I can get some chapters drafted this weekend. 

Season 3 part 1 is almost done! I'm really excited for part 2. I have a lot of ideas on how Victoria is going to handle Stiles and the nogitsune. I think part 2 is also going to focus a lot more on Victoria and Stiles' relationship as well as her and her dad's. 

So... What do you guys think about Victoria starting to get angry with Scott. Is it understandable? Also, what do you think should happen between them? Are they going to end up together? Or what?

I really want your guys' input, so please comment!! Until next time--XO

Edit: 4/3/2020

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