How has no one found me? There's a freaking recital happening right now! I can faintly hear the music from here. I'm in one of the classrooms. Is Scott even looking for me? Someone has to find me... I can't do this. It's-it's too much.

I could feel my heart racing in fear as the door opened, Jennifer walked in, leaving the door open. She walked over to me. "It looks like, we're going to have company soon." She smiled. I furrowed my brows.

Jennifer took one of her sharp claws and drug it across my cheek, I cried in pain as the skin broke open. I was definitely going to need stitches. "Be quiet or I'll kill you slowly and painfully."

My eyes went wide and a whimper escaped my lips. Jennifer went to stand at the back of the classroom, hiding in the shadows as she typed away on a phone. How can she be texting right now? She's about to take my life, and she's texting?

It wasn't long before Lydia walked in, I cried out in relief. She didn't notice me at first, she instead looked at the board and the windows. But, the moment I cried out, her eyes found mine. "Victoria?" She raced over to me, removing my gag and looking me over.

The cloth of the gag rubbed against my cut and I cried out again. "Agh!" Never in my life have I felt pain such as this. I looked at Lydia with big eyes. "Lydia you have to run, she's here—"

"You recognize it, don't you? The drawing on the board?" Jennifer cut me off. Lydia stood up and looked at Jennifer, before she could say anything Jennifer hit her upside the head. Lydia was knocked out immediately.This isn't good. I'm still tied up, and now Lydia is in danger too. Fuck.

Jennifer turned to me, bending down to my level. Her hand wrapped around my neck tightly, cutting off my oxygen flow. I gasped for air, my eyes watering uncontrollably.

I could feel my lungs burning for air, and my throat constricting tightly. Choking noises bubbled from my mouth as I tried to gasp for air. "I said not to say anything. How stupid are you?" Her hand left my throat and I gulped down air.

My throat and lungs burned and I knew that bruises were already forming on my neck. "W-w-why do you need me?" I stuttered out, my voice sounding hoarse and broken. Jennifer smiled at me. "Finally, asking the right questions."

Her heels clicked as she walked a few paces in front of me. She turned on her heels and looked at me with an amused face. "The blood of an innocent. The final thing I need for this to work. And what is more innocent that an unborn child?"

My heart dropped and time seemed to slow down as I glared at this woman. So much anger coursed through me, I didn't know I had it in me. "You will not kill my babies." I spoke in a low growl. Jennifer only smirked at me, and before she could do anything more I began screaming as loudly as I could.

The screams ripped at my throat, and it hurt horribly but, I needed Scott to save me. "SCOTT HELP!! SOMEONE! HELP ME!" Jennifer didn't waste any time in hitting me upside the head, the wood knocking me out.

The last thing I felt before I passed out, was warm blood dripping down my face.

I winced, blinking my eyes open. I couldn't see, everything was blurry and the world felt dull. Almost like I was viewing it through glass. "Stop." I could hear Lydia whisper.

I raise my head slightly, I could see Lydia and Jennifer, but they were still blurry. "Oh, I wish I could. But, you don't know the Alpha's like I do." I moan in pain, trying to focus on what's happening. Why can't I see? Maybe it's the blood... Is there blood in my eye?

Jennifer was tying Lydia up, like me. Where's Scott? Why isn't he here? He said he'd always come... Always. "But you, Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. Victoria is, but not you. You're just a girl who knows too much." Jennifer laughs before correcting herself. "Actually, a girl who knew too much."

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