The Smile Fades at a Young Age 2

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After a few days, It was early in the evening. Around 6:00 pm. Splinter had gone to his Shoji room to meditate. Raph was taking a nap with his pet turtle, Spike. Donnie was building a new invention. Lastly, Leo and Mikey were in the Dojo. No matter how hard Leo tried, he couldn't meditate. There wasn't anything wrong with him or around him, except for his Little Brother's yapping. Mikey was talking about how he wanted to draw a picture for everyone, but didn't know what it would be. After ten minutes of Mikey's talking, Leo snapped. "MIKEY!" Mikey shut up as soon as he heard his big brother yell. He flinched to the yell. Raph and Donnie entered the Dojo to see what happened, and Splinter was listening to his sons' conversation. Leo stood up and kicked Mikey. It wasn't hard enough for Mikey to yelp, but it still stung. Mikey looked up at his brother, who had anger written on his face. Mikey had a saddened confused look on his face. "Mikey, I swear, do you have to be SO annoying?" Leo asked bitterly. He still had an angered expression on his face. Raph chuckled at his older brother. Donnie didn't say anything. He didn't know what to do. Splinter left his Shoji and walked to Leo. He knelt down and pincher-pointed Leo's neck. Leo froze at the contact. Raph cringed, remembering what Splinter did a few days ago. He gave Leo a disapproved glance before looking towards Mikey. "Michelangelo, are you alright...?" Splinter looked at his youngest with concern in his eyes. He noticed Mikey's slight tremble. Mikey slowly stood up and nodded, looking down. He was still trembling, but not as bad. Mikey had a little tear in his eye. Splinter sighed and released Leo from his grasp. Leo rubbed his neck with a pout. Splinter stood up and said, "Leonardo, say sorry to Michelangelo." Leo looked up then at Mikey. Giving a huff, he said, "Sorry, Mikey..." He looked down after that. Mikey forgave his big brother. After an awkward silence, Splinter sighed. "My sons, you mustn't hurt each other for no reason. If you are disturbing one another, say so. Do not attack each other over it. You ARE Brothers. A wise man once said, 'You don't know what you have, until you lose it.' That means that if you don't love and respect each other and you lose one of your brothers, you would feel saddened for treating them the way you did. When what you should  have done was love and protect them. This is a very serious situation, my sons. Do NOT let History repeat itself." After Splinter finished, Leo and Raph put their heads down in shame. Donnie looked at Splinter with a sad look. Mikey just stood there, numb to everything around him. He heard and understood what his Sensei said, but he didn't know what to feel. He looked up at Splinter with a dull look and said, "Hai, Sensei." Everyone looked at Mikey with shock. Though Mikey had a dull look, it changed to confusion. Splinter began to smile. He walked to Mikey and knelt down. He placed his hand on  Mikey's head. Mikey flinched slightly. "My son, I am very proud of you." Splinter spoke with a smile on his face. Mikey looked surprised. The other three looked even more shocked now. "Why's that, Sensei?" Mikey boldly asked. Splinter's smile never faded. "I am proud because are sounding like a true Ninja." Splinter stated calmly. Mikey began to smile. The other three Turtle Tots began to smile, too.

Donnie's chapter will be with JUST a Verbal Attack, not a Physical Attack.

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