The Smile Fades at a Young Age 1

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We begin this story with our four Turtle Tots and Splinter. It was early September. It has been five years since they have been living in the sewers. They may be five years old, but they sure know how to make trouble. Splinter was meditating while his four sons were playing with a few rocks they found.
Leonardo, the eldest, was trying to meditate with the rock on his head. Raphael, the second eldest, was throwing it in the air. Donatello, the second to youngest, was examining the rock before him. Michelangelo, the youngest, was scribbling on the rock with an orange crayon.
Raph looked over at Mikey, who had a calm smile on his face, and threw the rock. It directly hit Mikey on the left side of his head. At first, he didn't feel anything. Then, the pain flew in like a crashing airplane. Mikey held back his scream the best he could, but the only sound made was a Yelp. Raph started laughing, thinking about how funny Mikey's face looks. Mikey's right eye was shut tight, his left eye was wide with a tear in it, and his mouth looked like he ate a lemon. Leo and Donnie looked over at Mikey to see his head bleeding. They yelled to Mikey and for Splinter. Splinter slowly arose from his seated position and walked to Raph while Leo and Donnie tended to Mikey's wound. Between his laughter, Raph said, "Haha, Mikey's really weak!" Raph was then poked on his neck. He froze, realizing that he couldn't move. Splinter held his two fingers on Raph's pincher-point while giving Raph a stern look. He looked over to the other three and saw Mikey crying, Leo holding his hands on his ears, and Donnie trying to comfort his youngest brother. Splinter had a look of worry on his face. He looked back at Raph and said, "My son, it would be a wise decision to apologize to your youngest brother." Splinter looked at Raph with a disappointed look. Raph made a grunt sound. Splinter sighed and let Raph go. Raph sighed, relieving his neck from his Sensei's hold. He looked at Mikey with a glare, walked over to him, and grumbled an 'I'm sorry'. After that day, Mikey forgave him and quietly walked to his room.

This was for Mikey and Raph's first attack. Next one will be Leo's. I don't know why I didn't write this from Eldest to Second-to-Last. Anyways, I hope you have a good Day/Night.

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