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"Are you sure about this?" Draco asked him again. They were standing outside Dumbledore's office. Draco didn't know what to do about his rising heart rate. It wasn't that he didn't trust Dumbledore, it was more that after everything that happened, he didn't know if he could trust anyone any more.

Harry nodded. "Dumbledore is gay for Merlin's sake!" Harry exclaimed. "Of course he'll understand."

"I'm just scared is all." Draco mumbles quietly beneath his breath.

Harry pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around Draco's torso pressing a gentle kiss against Draco's soft lips. Harry took in the feeling of Draco's breath against his, trying to remember every single detail about this moment and lock it square inside his brain forever. They were in the middle of the school, but no one was watching, no one was staring, and most importantly no one was judging. Harry couldn't have asked for a better moment.

They pulled apart after nothing more than a few seconds, but to Harry it felt like a lifetime had past. He pressed their foreheads together, forcing Draco to look into his eyes. "Do you trust me right now?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded, trying to steady his racing heart. "Of course I trust you. It's everyone else I don't trust."

"Then you'll have to learn. Not everyone is going to hurt you the way your parents did."

"I can't just forget what happened. I can't just heal after what happened."

"I know." Harry replied gently, holding Draco's hand in his. "I'm not expecting you to. I'm just asking you to stay safe. You can't go back to your parents, Draco. Not after everything they did to you."

Draco nodded. "Let's go talk to Dumbledore."

"Are you sure? I'm not trying to force you to do this but... I just want to see you safe."

"I'm sure. Let's go."

Harry nodded, then raised his hand and knocked on the doorway to Dumbledore's office. Neither of them knew the password. Harry smiled when he heard Dumbledore walking down the stairs, knowing for certain that even though Draco was afraid, they were going to be okay. Dumbledore wasn't going to let them down. Draco wouldn't be forced to live on the street. Harry would forever continue to walk through the halls with him, holding his hand out in the open, rather than being afraid. This was the perfect ending to their story.

Harry knew it was.

Or at least it should have been.

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