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Draco quickly pulled out his phone and started typing once he was sure the counsellors were asleep. He quickly thumbed out a message.


Draco: please come get me

Draco: I know you're probably ignoring me but I need you right now

Draco: it just keeps getting worse.

Draco: they torture people Harry

Draco: they're going to hurt me even worse soon

Draco: they've got me on these strange medications too, the therapists say that they're supposed to make me straight but they only make me dizzy

Draco: The address is 102 Mckellen Road

Draco: please come soon


Draco quickly shoved his phone in his pocket as he began to hear the door to the room open. Just a few weeks ago the counsellors had taken away all of their keys, making it impossible for anyone to lock their doors. Apparently they thought that the patients who weren't being cured were giving into their homosexuality.

But as Draco was shoving his phone into his pocket he knew it was already too late. Dale had seen his phone. He held out his hand for Draco to pass it over. Draco was thankful he had a password on it.

There was no way Draco was going to get beat up for the second day in a row. Draco calmly walked over and passed Dale his phone.

Dale grunted something that sounded a bit like the word, "Pansy." Then left. Draco lied back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and praying, just praying that Harry had seen the messages he sent, or that he at least looked at them soon. He was beginning to wish that he'd taken Harry's advice from the start.


8 new messages from Draco Malfoy


Harry stared down at his phone. He knew he shouldn't open them, they would only make him more upset about what happened with Draco, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he still cared.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he still wanted Draco to be okay.

He was still wondering whether or not Draco really was okay.

And more than anything, he was wondering where on earth the boy was.

Harry threw his phone into a drawer in the nightstand beside his bed. It wouldn't do him any good to be worrying about Draco right now, and it certainly wouldn't help him get over Draco. He had to face it. Draco was straight. And those were the facts, plain and simple.


Dale threw Draco's phone into a bin with the rest of the stuff they'd confiscated from patients in the past and sighed. One day they'd realize that this was for the best. That it would help cure the disease that was growing in their minds.

Dale walked down the hall, checking the rooms of a few other patients. He turned the knob to Shawn's room, seeing the boy sitting there and staring out the window. He left again, checking out the next room.

None of them were doing much of anything, apart from Daniel, who was taking his pills. Dale kept walking back to his desk.

Then he took a deep breath as he was reminded of someone. Of someone special, and of the person he used to be. But more than that he thought of his old lover, Michael.

Then Dale shook the perverted thought from his head and continued organizing the files on his desk. He was supposed to have been cured long ago. But the truth was that there was no "cure".


Harry finally couldn't take it anymore. It'd been weeks since he last talked to Malfoy and he needed to know what Malfoy was sending him. He opened the message, reading the address at the bottom of the screen, and then typed a quick response.


Harry: Don't worry

Harry: I'm coming to get you

Harry: be there soon.
Read at 11:54 pm

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