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Snake: I need to tell you something important

Harry: okay?

Snake: I need to call you in case someone reads our texts

Incoming call from Harry Potter


Call accepted


Harry turned down the hallway, making sure no one could ease drop on them, and held the phone close to his ear.

"Hello?" Harry spoke quietly, after the other person had picked up.

"Hi." Draco replied, hoping Harry couldn't tell who he was.

"You said you had something to tell me?" Harry asked, still making sure no one else was listening.

"Yeah," Draco replied. "But first, can you tell who I am?"

"No." Harry replied immediately. "Not really. You almost sound like Ron."

Draco nearly laughed. "Nope, I'm not Ron Weasley. Is anyone else listening?"

"I don't think so. Unless our phones are hacked, which I doubt."

"Okay." Draco was nervous. His blood was pumping quickly and more loudly. His palms were sweating like crazy. He hoped Harry would still talk to him after he confessed, but deep down he knew Harry wouldn't.

Draco took in a deep breath before speaking again. He laid back on his bed. "You know how my father was thinking about sending me to that therapy thing?"

"Please don't tell me you're already there." Harry really hoped his friend was okay.

"I'm not, but he forces me to do plenty of other stuff too. Like when I'm around him, I have to act all tough and pretend I hate mudbloods. Sometimes I act it in real life by accident, because it's just so engraved in my head." Draco felt so bad for what he'd done to Harry's friends in the past. And even now he felt like Harry was getting closer and closer to knowing who he was.

Several seconds passed before Harry spoke up. "Are you still there?"

"Yes." Malfoy replied. "I'm still here. But the point is, he forced me to do something again. Only this time it's worse. This time it's way worse."

Harry listened patiently. "What was it?" Harry asked.

"Promise you'll forgive me?" Malfoy begged. "Promise you'll still talk to me?"

"Of course." Harry replied almost immediately.

Malfoy sat there staring at his ceiling for a while. He had a feeling like Harry still wouldn't forgive him. But he needed to tell someone the truth. He needed for someone to know what was going on.

"I'm a Death Eater, Harry." Malfoy spoke quietly. "I've got the tattoo and everything. I've seen them kill people." Now tears had begun streaming down his eyes. "I've seen them kill so many people."

"Woah woah, calm down." Harry could hear him crying on the other side. "Just breath with me?" Harry tried. "Is that alright? Just try to calm down a bit." Harry could still hear him hyperventilating.

"Take in a deep breath for me, okay? On the count of three." Harry said. "One... two...three."

Draco took in a deep breath for a few seconds.

"And take a deep breath out." Harry instructed.

Malfoy continued taking in deep breaths for the next few minutes, Harry calmly coaxing him over the phone.

"I think I'm going to be okay now." Draco said confidently. He was proud of himself for having been able to calm down so quickly for once.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Malfoy said. "Plus I still have to get ready for class.

"Okay, but call back if anything happens. Or if you just want to talk to me."

"Okay. Bye now."

"Bye." Harry said before clicking end call.


Call ended


Snake: are you still there

Harry: yeah

Harry: is something wrong?

Snake: no

Snake: it's just that you're always making sure I'm okay and I wanted to make sure you were okay

Harry: I'm doing good actually.

Harry: thank you for asking.

Snake: no more nightmares?

Harry: surprisingly I didn't have any nightmares

Harry: but I did have this strange dream that everyone was walking through hogwarts in their pyjamas.

Snake: what? Why?

Harry: I have honestly no idea, but even professor snape was wearing his pyjamas.

Snake: thanks for that.

Snake: now I will be forever imagining snape in his pyjamas.

Harry: you're welcome

Harry: I've gotta go

Harry: bye

Snake: bye
Read at 9:48 am

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