bye bye Butterfree, Lavender town and Saffron city

Start from the beginning

Opening it fully I pear inside and a shadow is behind me so I quickly turn around, grab the ghost type and hug them laughing. "Got you." And the pokemon laughs too, being beaten in it's own game.

Letting go it floats away slightly and it is a Haunter with a black patch of colour around it's eye. I can tell others are watching this interaction wondering why we are both laughing. "Don't worry the rest of you can come out of hiding, I'm not scared of you, I know you all just want to play pranks." I say with a smile on my face as another Haunter appears along with a Gengar and a Gastly.

Just then I hear crying a few floors above and they all look up with frowns on their faces and they begin to disappear as the Haunter that was playing before starts to tug me to where the crying emanates from.

When we get there I see a baby Cubone brawling his eyes out as the others try to cheer him up but nothing helps. "What happened? Why is he crying?" I question them and the Haunter that lead me here spoke.

"There was an attack by some bad people called Team Rocket. They tried to take everyone." He begins in a sad tone. "His mother got everyone to safety and started attacking the cruel people but something happened with the machine and it killed her. He has been crying ever since. We have tried everything we know but nothing works."

I nod and walk closer to the baby pokemon. "Hello little one." It is startled but regains it's composure with tears still on it's eyes as I kneel down. "Your mother wouldn't want to see you cry like this, she would want you to lear from what she did, protest others when they cannot protect themselves. She died to help and save others. To help and save you." With that he comes running into my arms as I brace myself fro the impact.

It buries it's face into my neck and clings to me as I hug it gently, comforting it. Soon I feel some other pairs of hands join the hug and I smile at them for the help. Soon the tears slow and the baby pulls away. "Did your mother give you a name?" My response gets a shake of the head. "Would you like me to name you?" Nod. "How about... Marrow?"

"Thank you auntie!!" He shouts and then gasps as I chuckle.

"I can be your aunt if you would like." I reassure him and he cheers happily before yawning and I pull out a poke-ball which he taps and enters to sleep. I place his ball onto my belt and notice two of the empty ones gone.

Looking up I see the Gengar throw one at the Haunter I played with and I saw the other Haunter throw the other ball at a different pokemon that I don't see but can tell it was there.

Both don't struggle to get out and I allow both of them back out. The mystery pokemon is a Mimikyu. It seems to want to come and when I ask both of them they agree and tell me their names which are Phantom and Mimic respectively.

We spend the rest of the night talking, laughing and having fun. When the sun comes up I bid goodbye and leave the tower with Phantom in tow as he doesn't like staying in the ball for long and Mimic is already in her ball.

I call out Aria again and we set off towards Saffron city. I really hope they listened to my advice and waited for me if they are already there.

By the time we get to Saffron city it is around mid day and I spot Ash, Misty and Brock close by the city gym so we decide to land.

Getting off Aria I return her as well as Phantom as Sage lands gently by us. "Hey you three." I say and they jump turning around and get hugged by all three of them.

"You won't believe what just happened to us!" Misty shouted and they started to explain everything that transpired in the time that I was gone.

"The little girl is Psychic, like me. She is very strong but the way she just disappears is not right. I have a thought but I must see it for myself to confirm it." I explain to them and they begin to understand. "This is a Psychic gym after all and many people with some sort of Psychic abilities go there to train but most are minuscule and are only bending spoons which to them takes a lot of effort."

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