You are the weakest link

Start from the beginning

As soon as my mom saw me, her eyes brightened the triple which they were originally. It seemed as if I had given her hope once again.

"Zoë, you go fight Atlas. I have personal business to settle." She nodded, this being the first time she has listened to me (or probably any male).

I 'ran' as fast as I could towards where Luke and Thalia were engaging in a sword fight. Gripping my necklace and ripping it out of my neck, my bow was formed. It has been a while since I used it, but there was something about this that made me extremely confident I could hit my target. I readied my bow while running just like in the movies, and aimed at Luke's shoulder.

"Castellan!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He turned to look who it was that said his name and I fired instantly. The arrow flew at a godly speed, embedding itself on his left shoulder.

Now, I have no idea how this happened, but as I approached Luke, my bow began to morph. Slowly, it appeared as it had broken into the half, then a grip began to form and some sharp edges also appeared. In the span of five seconds, my bow changed to a pair of hunting knives.

"I will fucking kill you Castellan" I said in my deepest voice.

"Why? Because I'm a 'traitor'? Face it Jagger, your mother hasn't claimed you because she is ashamed of you. You would be so much better with us, join us. Realize who the real enemy is. Kronos would never do anything to hurt us." Now that was the last straw.

"Thalia, go help out Zoë. She will need your help"

"You won't tell me w-" she began to say when I cut her off

"I'm not telling you. I'm ordering you. Go. NOW" I said pretty roughly, not being able to control my anger directed to this creature in front of me. She looked at me with a broken face before sprinting towards the other battles.

"You and I aren't much different Jagger,"

"Shut up" I growled as I tried to slice his neck. He just sidestepped and cut my arm.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You know you're handicapped yet you decide to face me?"

"I have nothing else to lose," he swiped towards my right abdomen and I dodged it. He kept slashing with great technique and I just kept on dodging and moving a lot. Having just one functional leg didn't help my movability at all, and so I had deep cuts all over my chest, abdomen, legs, and arms. But the biggest one was a stab just by my lungs.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my brain. I'm a hunter, and hunters are aggressive but not overly so. I wasn't thinking like a hunter, I was thinking like a Greek militia warrior. But that isn't me.

So, as Luke was going to impale my heart with his sword, I quickly dodged, moved forward and slashed his sword hand in a manner that it would be extremely painful just to grab his sword. I kept on attacking, impaling my hunting knives into his thighs, abdomen, and arms. I seemed to have taken a big toll on him, as he looked very tired. There was no doubt I was even more tired, with the venom from the bite consuming my last bit of energy.

"I will recuperate. I will get better. We will overthrow Olympus. Hope your last living minutes were worth it,"

"Even if I die right now, I hope you know that this plan has failed," and on queue, we heard Atlas yell 'No! Not again' or something like that. Annabeth, Thalia, Zoë and now Jackson were dealing with the monsters. Luke was watching as his plan failed, and so I took the opportunity to take my last remaining energy to Yeet Luke down the cliff.

I know he survived, as I still existed. If he had died then a paradox would've been created and that's just a whole other world.

I turned towards the rest of the quest members when I felt my body shut down. All except my head and half of my heart and lungs just stopped working. I fell down on my side, but I couldn't feel when my body made contact with the ground.

I vaguely saw the figures running towards me, putting me face up and trying to ask me questions. All I could see were around two of these figures crying, which in turn made some tears fall from my eyes.

"I-I do-don-don't w—wa-ant to-to die" I managed to croak. My life hadn't been that bad compared to many other demigods, I had a fairly good relationship with my mother, and it was all coming to an end.

"You're not going to die" I heard a feminine voice said from beside me, clearly crying her heart out. She had black hair, spiky.

"Th-Thalia" began to choke on my words "i-i never me-meant to-to hurt y-you"

If she replied then I didn't hear it. I was starting to see blurry, and I recognized it as that my death was just a few seconds away.

"M-mom" I don't know if she grabbed my hand or not, I don't even know if she was there. But I hoped this words will make up for everything. "I-I lo-love y-you s-s-so m-much. I-I'm s-sorry f-for c-c-causing s-so much p-pain to ev-every-everyone. F-for-forgive" The 'me' never came out. There were no more words which I could say. I began to choke on my own blood for about five second when everything stopped. No more pain. No more darkness. No more nothing.

Ok well this book is finished. Hope y'all liked it. I know it's not well written and there were a lot of plot holes but hopefully it was entertaining. I just had this idea for so long and I felt like I needed to share it. So here it is. Please comment something, even if it's just a word. Thank you so much for reading. This is my first finished book so it's a big deal for me. So thanks!!!!

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now