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Dylan's P.O.V

"Okay, truth or dare?" I asked one of my best friends, Emily as I grabbed a handful of popcorn from the cheap orange bowl in front of me.

"Hmm.." She out her hand to her chin, exchanging glances with my other best friend, Amelia beside her, "Dare"

I giggle deviously, "I dare you to tweet that you hate... One Direction!"

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape, her eyes narrowing, "My mother told me not to lie..."

I chuckled, "Sucks for you, I dared you. You must do it!" She frowns, reluctantly pulling out her iPhone.

I waited as she navigated towards twitter, typing out a tweet, "I swear if any of the boys see this..."

I choked on my last piece of popcorn, "That would be true... If any of the boys followed you!"

Amelia huffed, speaking up for the first time, "Just cause your the biggest Directionater there is doesn't mean you have to torture dedicated fans like us!" She winks, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at me.

I mocked hurt, "We've gone through this I like One Direction I even follow them on twitter but, I'm not obsessed like you guys" I stretched out the 'you' glaring at Amelia and Paige.

Emily fake sniffled, "Fine Meils, truth or dare?" Amelia shrugged, "Truth"

Emily rubbed her hands together putting her phone back down on beige carpet underneath us, "If One Direction stormed through the door right now with life threatening injuries... who would the first one you run to?"

Amelia raised her perfectly tweezed eyebrow quizzically, "Definitely Daddy Direction. Liam is he sexiest man alive and if he came in here hurt, I would help my baby! Then he would fall in love with me and we would get married..." She rambled off causing me to tune out.

I bit my lip when she mentioned Liam, even though I wasn't a huge fan. He seemed to be the most mature of the group, he was also very handsome in a not trying kind of way.

But Amelia gets everything she wants when she wants it, last month she asked her dad if she can die her hair the color of red velvet cupcake and of course his answer was "Anything for you, Princess"

Here she sits in front of me with heavy eyeliner accenting her brown eyes. Her red hair is tied back in a low bun, wisps falling on her baby blue tank. She picks at her blue and yellow Tweety Bird pajamas, pulling of stray threads.

On the other hand Emily takes the natural look, her honey brown waves left natural hanging on her off then shoulder knit lavender top with white and purple short shorts.

My natural blond waves are tangled from my shower earlier that day, water dripping onto my Superman racer back tee that match with my red and blue plaid Calvin Klein boxers.

A piece of popcorn flies at my forehead knocking me out of my thoughts, "Hello Dyl, Earth to Dylan!" Emily called, waving her hand in front of my face. I nod my head, "Yes?" I ask annoyed.

"Fine grouchy.." She starts, picking the bowl up off the ground, "Last one, Truth or Dare?" I grabbed my tote bag, pulling out my sleeping bag.

"Dare" I finally said, rolling out my sleeping bag.

Amelia and Emily exchanged glances giggling, "I dare you to put one of your original songs on YouTube"

I smirked, "That's easy, sure!"

"You didn't let us finish, you have to be the one singing it..." Amelia added, grinning evilly.

My face turned white, nobody knew I wrote songs. Much less, sung and played instruments. My parents never had enough time to even ask me how my day was, I guess being divorced takes a toll on you.

The Beat of My Heart {One Direction: Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now