Megan shifted a little closer, her body screaming for the blood being offered to her. She took a hold of Dellan's hand and arm, pulling it to her mouth. Her gaze went to Dellan's right before her mouth closed over the cut he'd made. A moan left her when the blood touched her tongue, eyes closing as her hands tightened on his arm. Dellan's blood felt like a combination of liquid fire and pure energy. After only two drags she felt as if her body were humming with unspent energy. She only took one more drag before jerking back with a gasp. The back of her hand pressed to her mouth as he body shook as if she'd downed three bags of caffeine.

     Dellan moved his hand over his cut, the hum in the air letting Megan know he'd healed himself. "You just need another moment. The magic needs to work its way out of your system."

     "That stuff is potent," she breathed out, feeling as if she wanted to run, needed to to expend the energy. Unable to hold back any longer she started to move around a little. "My gods, is this what people on crack feel like?" Megan continued to pace around while Dellan checked his arm. "Gods above no wonder people started hunting dragons. It's drugs without the side effects."

     Dellan laughed, reaching out to grab her arm and stop her pacing. "Megan, look at me. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly."

     Megan stilled and did as Della asked, only to smile when she let out her breath. "I don't actually HAVE to breath you know."

     A small snort left the dragon as he pulled his hand away. "Still has the calming effect."

     Apparently it did because she was already starting to feel herself calm. "Thanks." She muttered as she shifted a little.

     "You already look better." He said as he started away from her. "Lets get back before Daniel realizes we aren't actually scouting."

     Megan gave a nod as she started after him, a frown in place as she rubbed her arms. "How much longer?"

     "Twenty minutes. There's a mine that serves as an entrance in this area. The gate is inside. Some miners converted the original cave to get at the gold there. We managed to scare them off and get the mine condemned. But you still get the occasional teenager."

     "Bet that was scary, having someone dig so close to home."

     "Yes and no." Dellan fell silent when they reached the others, giving a nod to Xander. "Let's go." He said as he helped Daniel stand. "We'll heal you more once we pass through the gate." Daniel just grunted and glanced at Megan who flashed him a smile.

     Dellan wasn't far off in time. A little over twenty minutes passed when they reached the boarded off mine entrance. Xander stepped up, easily pulling away a board which turned out to be the whole boarded "door". Megan stepped inside at Xander's urging, followed by Xavier, Daniel and Dellan and finally Xander who closed up the entrance after them. Dellan leaned Daniel against a wall as Xander stepped further into the passage, hands cupping as he started to whisper into them. It wasn't long before a ball of light formed in his hands, Megan realizing he'd been whispering a spell. Xander lifted his hands until the ball moved to float above their heads. "Nifty." Xavier muttered as he stared at the ball of light hovering over them. Xander chuckled, ruffling the teen's hair as he moved toward Daniel to help support him again. Moving through the passages was slow going with Daniel's injuries. When they finally made a turn, Megan raised a brow at the giant cavern they'd entered. Before them stood two large double stone doors. They stood just as tall and just as wide as the cavern, more than big enough to fit two dragons side-by-side. Two dragons had been carved into the doors, both standing on their backs legs with their front paws 'holding' where the two doors met.

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