Chapter 6

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Image: David

        Stacy went into work knowing she would be working until her feet bled and she was right. By the end of her shift, Stacy was exhausted. She was just counting down the minutes until she could walk out the door and get some sleep. She was cleaning down a table when the door opened, turning she was about to tell the person they were getting ready to close. That was until she saw who it was. "What are you doing here?" she hissed out as she clutched at the rag she held.
    "Is that anyway to talk to a customer?" Lucas asked as he raised a brow at her.
    Stacy frowned, shifting a little as she stared him down. "No, I'm sorry for being so rude," she growled out as she twisted the cloth in her hands. "But we're closing so I'm sorry but you'll have to leave."
    "As it so happens," he said, smiling as he started past her. "I've decided to stop by and visit someone else."
    "What? What do you mean someone else?" she asked as she turned with him so she could keep an eye on him. "There isn't anyone who could..."
    "Hello father. I didn't think you'd want to come and see me." Stacy stiffened at the voice, head whipping around and mouth dropping when she saw Lily standing at the bottom of the stairs behind the bar.
    "W-w-w-wai-wait, Father!?" Stacy yelled out as she pointed at Lucas.
    Lily looked at Stacy and nodded. "Yes, Father. Anything else?"
    "What do you mean anything else? You're the daughter of him. Does David know? Oh god, I have to tell him what he's getting into."
    Lucas sighed and shook his head. "He knows. Lily signed a contract with him."
    Lily frowned at Lucas, speaking before Stacy could break in again. "That contact has been void for two years. As you well know. You exiled me for it," she said as she stared him down. "So why are you here?"
    Lucas dropped his shoulders and smiled almost nervously. "I thought I'd see how you were doing."
    "You wanted to see if I was ready to come crawling back. No, I'm very happy here."
    "Umm, excuse me, but what is going on?" Stacy asked with a frown. "I think since David is involved I have a right to know."
    Lucas sighed as he shook his head. "That is for Lily to say. And I never thought you'd come crawling back. Not when you sounded so sure you wanted to be with the human." he said with a shrug.
    Lily frowned at him, Stacy surprised by the gesture since Lily didn't seem to actually show a lot of emotion. "His name is David." she ground out, turning her head toward the stairs when footsteps started down.
    "What about me?" David asked as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, going still when he spotted Lucas. "Lucas." he whispered.
    "David." Lucas said with a nod.
    Stacy stepped up to the counter and slapped her wash rag down. "Okay, David, the fact that you know them worries me. Please tell me you didn't sign a contract."
    David stared at her for a minute before a frown appeared. "How do you know about contracts?"
    "Because she signed one with my father." Lily said as she all but smirked at Stacy.
    "What?" David hissed out, shooting a glare at Lucas before he turned toward Stacy. "Why would you do that."
    "Long story." She muttered with a sigh. "But I should ask you the same." she said as she frowned at him.
    David hesitated, glancing at Lily who shrugged. "It sort of started a month or so after you left. I thought that maybe if I could make something of myself you'd come back." Stacy frowned and opened her mouth only to have David wave her into silence. "I know, you don't have to say anything. Anyway, I took out a loan and bought The Tavern. Except it was in such bad shape I started losing more and more money. I was about to lose everything when Lily appeared one night. She was the first person in the bar in weeks. When she offered to help I thought she wanted to buy in as a partner. Until, well the contract just appeared and she explained to me what she was. She was here every day helping me get everything fixed up and..." he seemed to hesitate as he turned toward Lily and reached out for her hand. "I guess all that time together sort of grew into more."
    "For both of us," Lily added as she stepped up next to him, smiling as she took his hand. "It took a while for either of us to do anything though. But when we did I broke the contract. I was exiled from below because of it."
    "So, you exiled your own daughter?" Stacy asked as she looked (glared) at Lucas.
    He let out a heavy sigh. "I didn't have a choice. As ruler, I can't show weakness. She broke one, no, several laws and had to face the consequences."
    "Which should have been death. For both David and I." Lily added, causing Stacy to let out a small gasp.
    "For falling in love and breaking a contract?"
    "Yes, but instead he only exiled me to the middle plain. Demetrious was furious with Lucas."
    "My eldest son. He thinks I'm weak and shouldn't have been made a ruler of a kingdom." Lucas said with a small frown. "My ungrateful get is trying to find a way to overthrow me."
    "Wow. Hold on. If Lily and David have a kid wouldn't that finish the contract?"
    Lucas cleared his throat and looked away. "What do you mean kid?" David asked.
    Lily shook her head. "That is solely a Lucas set up. Normal demons get souls."
    "What kid?" David asked again.
    "I see." Stacy ground out. "Of course I got the white sheep demon." she muttered as she pulled off her apron.
    "White sheep?" Lucas asked as he frowned.
    "What. Kid!"
    "Yes, I figured that place is full of Black ones. You have to be the freak that stands out. Well, I'm off. Night." Stacy paused to grab her purse before she started out of the bar.
    She let out a laugh when she heard David yell "What kid!" and Lily's tentative "I'll tell you later" before the door blocked out the rest. She hated to admit that Lucas had been a little civil.

    When Stacy woke the next morning she didn't bother dressing up for her supposed date with Daniel. Why? She didn't consider it a real date anyway. After pulling her hair into a pony and pulling on what she planned on wearing to work she yelled a bye to her parents as she left the house in a surprisingly good mood.
    Heck, maybe she'd get a friend out of the deal. The fact that Lucas hated him was a plus. And it didn't seem he was completely normal from the way they reacted to each other yesterday. Yes, major bonus. She slipped into the restaurant and smiled when she spotted Daniel.
    "Afternoon." she said as she slid into the booth across from him.
    The smile he gave her was friendly, if a little tired. "Afternoon. I'm surprised you even came."
    "Course I did. I wouldn't just ditch you. Plus, I figured we could play friends."
    He chuckled and nodded. "Sure. That sounds okay. So you moved back from the city?" he took the menu handed to him by the waitress.
    "Yes, in a manner of speaking," Stacy said as she took her menu. "And you moved here to take after Ol'Anderson?"
    "Yes well. There were a couple..accidents and the director decided it was time for a new doctor on staff."
    "Oh dear. I hope it wasn't too bad."
    "Nono. Just minor things luckily. But Al decided it was time to retire."
    "Oh that's good."
    "What about you? What brings you back?"
    "Uh, just a lot of crap I don't want to talk about. It might bring him here." Stacy said with a frown as she played with her fork. She looked back at Daniel, opening her mouth to speak only to get cut off.
    "Stacy!" Stacy turned when her name was called, a grin spreading as she jumped up and hugged the woman who came to her. "Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me you were back in town!"
    Stacy laughed as she pulled back from her best friend Megan. Megan had moved to town junior year of high school and had become best friends with Stacy the same day. She'd been teary eyed as she'd watched Stacy leave for the city. "I only just got back. My god, you haven't changed at all." Stacy said as she stepped back and looked the woman over.
    "You look fine yourself," her eyes moved past Stacy and a frown formed. "You're on a date?"
    "Well, no, not really."
    "Oh, then you don't mind if I join." Megan flashed a smile as she slid onto the booth and frowned at Daniel who looked a little surprised.
    Stacy was surprised at Megan's actions, knowing her friend was being over protective though. She was about to retake her seat when her phone started to ring. "Shit, it's David." she turned and hurried toward the bathrooms as she answered.
    Megan and Daniel sat staring after her before Megan rounded on the man. "You're going to politely decline any offers of future dates or 'hang-outs'." she hissed at him. "I refuse to have Stacy mixed up with your kind."
    Daniel sat staring at her with shock before a frown appeared. "This coming from you?"
    "You have no right. I've looked after her family for centuries. I refuse to have that jeopardized because of you. It's bad enough her father slipped through the cracks like a snake."
    "Whoa there," Daniel lifted his hands in a small surrender movement. "I don't mean any harm. You can relax."
    "It doesn't matter if you mean harm or not. You'll bring it. Harm follows everyone like us and I won't have my family as part of this world." she made a gestured between them.
    A small snort left him. "So the fact that Stacy made a contract with a demon didn't slip your notice?"
    "What!" Megan cleared her throat, glancing around to all the people before leaning in with a frown. "What do you meant?"
    "I saw her with a demon lord yesterday. Or I guess I should say he appeared while we were talking."
    "Shit!" Megan snarled as she sat back, shoving a hand through her hair.
    "So, your family? I thought vampires couldn't have children."
    "I wasn't born one you twit. I was made. And not that it's any of your business, but I had a family before I was attacked."
    "I see. I'm sorry that happened to you."
    "I don't need sympathy from your kind." Megan snapped out as she crossed her arms over her chest.
    "We're not all bad. I don't even live with or around others like me if it makes you feel better. I hate my people."
    Megan let out a small snort. "And here I was thinking wizards had a hive mind."
    Daniel chuckled a little. "No, but you're not the first to think that." he said almost teasingly. "I take it you don't have a mate? You wouldn't be so hooked on your family descendants if you did.
    Megan muttered as she looked out the window. "I did. He was human and died. It's the reason why Monika married that filthy fallen."
    "Harsh. Very Harsh. Considering how Monika talks about Frank. I have to take her side and defend him. He treats her like a Queen."
    Megan shrugged a little. "I guess he's okay." she said almost reluctantly.
    "So why is it you hate everyone who isn't a normal human?"
    "Because I've had nothing but bad experiences with them."
    "Maybe I could change your mind." Daniel was fidgeting with his silverware as he spoke, eyes cast down.
    Megan blinked at him, a little taken aback by his offer. He was so adorable with the way he was reacting though. She smiled as she leaned forward. "Are you asking for a date or sex?" she let out a small laugh when he jerked a little.
    "Date! Date I swear. Maybe dinner?" he frowned and shifted. "Right, you don't eat."
    "Actually, I can. That's just a myth." she pointed to the sun outside the window. "Tomorrow night?"
    Daniel smiled and nodded. "Sure. My roommates are supposed to be out, I could cook."
    Megan smiled and nodded. "I'll give you my cell and you can text me the address." Megan looked up when Stacy stopped next to the table with her hands on her hips.
    "Nice to know you still steal my dates,"  Stay's smile was evident to her teasing. "You couldn't do better Daniel, but it's going to take a lot to keep her. And on that note, I have to leave. David said the bar is getting busy already."
    Megan stood and held out her hand to Daniel. After a moment he realized she wanted his cell and handed it over. "I'll walk with you." Megan said as she typed in her  number and handed it back to Daniel before turning to leave with Stacy. "You can tell me everything since you left."
    Daniel let out a small snort as they left. He had a feeling Megan already knew what was going on with Stacy. Well, except the demon part obviously. He wasn't even sure how that slipped by when she seemed obsessed with protecting her family. Daniel stood and dropped a twenty on the table for their drinks and a tip before he left the restaurant to head back to work. He needed to figure out a way to get his roommates out of the house without them getting suspicious and wanting to stay and ruin his date with Megan.

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