Wand Heist

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The Core Four decided that instead of doing a second day at Auradon Prep, they would go to the Museum of Cultural History and steal the Fairy Godmother's Wand.
     They stalked the doorway where Maleficent's spinning wheel stood. Since Evie wouldn't distract the guard, Mal went with Plan B. She casted a spell to get the guard to the spinning wheel. It didn't work. Mal internalized her disappointment with herself as Jay and Carlos mocked her.
     Mal's eyes glowed green at the comments the two boys made. She then casted a different spell. The guard walked towards the spinning wheel. His face was glazed and his body seemed like it was being propped up as he slumped towards it. He extended his finger towards the needle. Mal's lips twisted into a smile as she was doing it. The guard pricked his finger and a spark flew from it. He then yawned and outstretched his arms. He began walking in front of the spinning wheel and laid down on the platform. He was fast asleep.
     The four tried opening the doors but they were locked. Jay wanted to handle this part but Mal wanted revenge and she was on a roll. She spelled the door open to have Jay hilariously fall when he tried to kick it open.
     They all walked into the museum and looked at the guard. Carlos reminded himself not to upset Mal again. They started down a hall to find statues of their parents. The various villains of the land. Except the kids didn't see their parents. They saw twisted frightening beings who scared them to their core. With the exception of Mal. Her mother always looked that way.
     Mal ordered the others to look around the museum for the wand. As they scattered she took another look at the statue of Maleficent. She wondered why she wanted to be like her in the first place. Maleficent didn't appreciate her own daughter so why should she be that way.
     Evie crept through a hall. She was thinking about how dangerous her mother looked. Queen Grimhilde was a Femme Fatale back in her time. Nowadays, time has taken it's toll here and there with her. Evie wondered if that would be her fate as well. Should Evie rely solely on her looks or nurture her other talents?
     Carlos thought his mother looked deranged. When she would tell the story, it was that she was trying to rid the world of horrible beasts. They would eat children and wreak havoc. However, looking at her statue he wondered how true given the dog statues had such terror in their faces.
     Jay walked through the halls. He thought back with all the good times he had with his dad and all the potential good times they could continue having. To him, he never viewed his dad as an actual villain. However, Jay never really heard about what his dad was like before he was born.
     Evie and Jay ran into each other. Startled at first but they realized it was in that moment that they found the wand. They both walked up to it as Jay examined the glass surrounding it. "Mal! Jay and I are down the hall and to the right. We found the Fairy Godmother's Wand.", Evie thought to Mal.

"Okay, stay there and I'll find Carlos and we'll meet you there.", Mal replied back.

Mal and Carlos met Evie and Jay. The four of them just looked at the Wand. Mal turned to Jay, "So what are we looking at?", she asked.

"Reinforced glass. Sensing magick around it.", Jay said.

"Okay, Evie and Jay, I'm going to need your hands and we're going to use our combined magick to break the shield and glass without triggering alarms. Carlos, I need you on stand by and grab the wand.", Mal directed.

With Jay on her right and Evie on her left, Mal grasped their hands together. Mal focused her energy on the protection around the wand. Mal's eyes turned green as she felt a surge of energy to pierce through the barrier with her spell. However, their combined might was no match and the alarms shot off.
     With that the teens scurried out the front door. As they rushed outside Mal gave a disappointed look. "Now we have to go to school tomorrow!", she groaned.

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