Moving Day

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     The Core Four had been off on their own adventures for a week. Carlos had snuck out of his home through a window. Evie had been breaking hearts down boardwalks of the Isle. Jay was in the middle of stealing precious goods. Mal was just being Mal. They had reunited and danced and played. That is until Maleficent came to them. "You four have been chosen to go to Auradon Prep! You leave today.", she stated.
     They followed Maleficent to her and Mal's home where the rest of the parents were. The teens were a little surprised to find their parents there coexisting amongst each other. Mal and Maleficent argued back and forth with both having their eyes turn green. What little magick they could muster on the Isle they brought to this argument. Eventually, Mal was overcome by her mother's power.
     She was frustrated, all that time spent with her wasn't for them, it was for herself. Her mother just used her like always. Like when she recruited the four of them to retrieve her Dragon Eye Staff when it turned up on the Isle. That was when they first became friends.
     Jay and Evie followed suit. They knew if Mal couldn't fight the will of their parents that they were no match either. It was Carlos who voiced protest. "Mom, didn't you say that Auradon is filled with dogs?", he cried out. "Mom, I don't want to get eaten by them. Mom don't make me go!", he pleaded.

"My darling Carlos! I would never let this happen to you.", Cruella started while catching Maleficent's evil stare. "After all, we've had such a fabulous week together. Why should we let that stop?", she said with a wicked smile.

     Carlos' eyes went wide. His throat dried up. His legs on the other hand leapt away from his mother's claw like grasp on his shoulder and out the door the four of them were. Maleficent nodded in approval of Cruella's tactics curious as to what she did to make the boy so fearful.
     The four of them piled into a limousine. The driver started off for the entrance to the Isle of the Lost. As they examined the inside of the vehicle, they all reveled in the fresh smell of the interior leather. They searched throughout the contents.
     Jay and Carlos found a plethora of sweets. They never had anything like this on the Isle. Apples were the only thing sweet and fresh there as it was the only scraps from Auradon that they could use to plant trees. That as well as the fish that Ursula and her daughter Uma could catch for their restaurants but unless you're a part of Uma's crew, you had to pay a fortune for the meals there.
     Mal and Evie looked out the windows. They took one last view of their Wicked World. They both reflected silently on what this meant for them. They were independent of their parents for the time being.
     Carlos looked up towards the front of the limo. He noticed they were leaving the barrier however there was no bridge towards Auradon. His brain surged for answers and his mouth immediately responded. "There is no bridge! They're trying to kill us!!!!!", he panicked. All four of the Villain Kids has screamed in terror. That is until the chauffeur hit a button revealing a magical bridge that the limo drove upon. The four sighed in relief as they weren't dying but instead heading to their new home.
     Once they arrived to Auradon Prep. They spilled out of the limousine and were greeted by three figures. The first was the Fairy Godmother. She held Mal's interest as it was her wand that was needed to destroy the barrier. The next was Audrey, the daughter of Princess Aurora, aka Sleeping Beauty. Evie tried to warm up to her as Evie said they were both Princesses but Audrey looked her up and down with her frosted pink eyes and shot Evie down. Saying that there are no Queens or Princesses from the Isle of the Lost. The last person was Prince Ben. He carefully introduced himself to everyone. Mal gave him a cold stare, Jay had taken his cuff links without him noticing, Evie smiled a flirtatious smile given she was told by her mother to land a Prince, and Carlos...he still had chocolate plastered to his fingers and lips. When the two shook hands, there was something electric. Then Ben noticed some chocolate on his fingers. What he did surprised everyone. "Chocolate?", he asked as he put his thumb to his lips. He then tasted the sweet along with a hint of Carlos' skin. Without breaking eye contact Carlos did the same. Audrey could be heard squeaking at the interaction while Evie's lips twisted into a devilish grin. The rest were just confused on what was happening. "Allow us to show you to your rooms. First though, we'll show you the Kingdom's Statue.", Audrey said as the perfect pink tour guide.
     The Seven of them walked towards the courtyard. It was then that they stopped at the statue of King Adam, formerly known as The Beast. "This statue was erected to remind us that love can break any magick and is the strongest force among us.", Ben exclaimed with a clap. It was then that a mighty roar echoed and the Statue twisted into the mighty Beast of Legend. Carlos looked at it and screamed so high pitch you would think only dogs could hear it. Unfortunately, everyone could. He jumped up into the arms of the person closest to him, that person of course was Ben. The Prince just smiled at Carlos and gingerly set him down while tussling his hair.
     They continued onward to their dorms. The boys would be sharing one room while the girls shared another. Evie pulled Carlos to the back of the group. "Your secret's safe with me.", she whispered.

"What secret?", he whispered back. His face becoming bright red.

"You have a thing for the Prince. Like I said, don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I was going to go for him myself but there are other Princes here for me to snatch.", she whispered back with almost a slight cackle.

     Carlos only looked at her and gulped. Being gay wasn't something one shared on the Isle of the Lost. The Villains were super homophobic and usually that stuff got taught to the kids. He was glad that wasn't the case with Evie.
     Audrey split up with the girls and gave Ben a kiss goodnight. She went for the lips but Ben smiled as he turned his cheek towards her. Ben escorted Carlos and Jay to their room. He handed them each card keys and opened the door for them. The room was big. It was the Royal Blue with Gold Trim. The bed and curtains all with the same color scheme. They each had a bed on the opposite side of the giant room. The boys marveled at the giant television that sat in the middle wall of the room. They also had access to a private bathroom. "Well, I hope you two have a good night. Carlos, if you want, I can have someone send you more chocolate before you go to bed.", Ben said trying to sound cool but his voice cracked a little.

"That'd be great Ben. Thank you...", Carlos responded. With that Ben had left. "Why is he up your butt?", Jay asked aloud.

"What do you mean?", Carlos asked rather annoyed.

"I think the Prince might have a crush on little ole you.", Jay laughed. "Would be hilarious if he was gay. All these uptight little royals would explode."

     Carlos was quiet. He felt hurt that someone that was like a brother to him would say that. Although, he wasn't sure he could blame Jay for thinking that. I mean, Jay doesn't know Carlos is gay. Therefore he doesn't know how much he hurt him. Carlos was thinking he should tell him but then decided against it.
     Meanwhile Audrey lead the girls to their bedroom. She handed them the key cards and opened the door. "I hope you like it. I designed the room for you two myself.", she said with excitement.
     The girls looked with stark disgust in their faces as they eyed the powder pink explosion that matched Audrey's dress. The frills and sparkle almost made Mal vomit. Evie's taste was on the girly side but even she would admit that this was a bit overboard. She was already plotting how she would redecorate this room in a couple days. Audrey left the two to their own devices. "I officially hate her.", Mal said.

"Agreed.", Evie said, "If all REAL PRINCESSES are like that, then I'm glad I'm not one."

"She is just so fake. You could tell she wants Ben just for his title.", Mal continued.

"Oh...and do you have interest in our little, what did Audrey call him? Benny-Boo?", Evie inquired with a raise of her eyebrow. She thought it'd be quite interesting if two of her friends had feelings for the soon to be King.

"God no! He seems boring. I bet his idea of a good time is a picnic or something.", Mal answered, she was truly offended that Evie would suggest such a thing. "Although, it'd be fun to break little Audrey's heart by breaking them up.", Mal said with a green glow of her eyes. She really was her mother's daughter sometimes.

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