Day 1 - Evie

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     Evie woke up from the best sleep of her life. The kids in Auradon don't know what they've got, she thought to herself. Back on the Isle of the Lost she had to get accustomed to third rate mattresses with no sheets and springs that jutted out into your back. It still beat some of the kids who slept on the streets. Or on the floor of her Grandmother's Salon, like Dizzy. She sighed thinking how she would want her friends to come.
     Evie walked past a sleeping Mal into their shared bathroom. The pink tile matched the pink frills of the bedroom. She wasn't sure it was the lighting or her mind or if even the plumbing fixtures had a hint of pink in them. "Someone has got to give Audrey a fashion sense...", she muttered to herself.
     As the shower hit Evie, she tried to cleanse her thoughts as well. She didn't want to think about any of what has happened the past day. She just wanted to focus on this moment, this relaxing moment. Another sigh escaped her lips as she turned off the water and prepared her hair and make up.
     First class of the day was Algebra. She walked in to find it was a class of about maybe thirteen kids including herself. Actually bigger than her classroom at Dragon Hall. Not many Villain Kids went to school.
     She found Chad Charming, the son of Cinderella. He was the next it boy compared to Prince Ben and Chad was a Prince as well. He was sitting next to Doug, the band geek son of Dopey the Dwarf. She noticed Doug on the way into Auradon Prep the day before. She slinked her way onto the other side of Chad. He looked her way and with a flip of her hair she started her introduction, "Hi, my name is Evie...I'm new here.", she said with a pout of her lips.
     Chad didn't seem too impressed with Evie but he gave what seemed like a polite smile. During class the teacher would ask the answers to equations on the board. Doug answered most of them. Evie could have answered them as well but she held back. She remembered what her mother said about men not being interested in brains, just beauty. Both Doug and Chad took note of her behavior. When the bell rang Chad had tapped Evie's shoulder. "Hey, I was wondering. Could you help me out with some of this work? You seem like you know what you're doing and I'm just clueless.", Chad asked with a smoldering grin.

"I'd love to!", Evie said a little too eager. "When would you like to get together?"

"Well that's the thing. I have Tourney Practice and I was thinking maybe you could HELP with the workload and then when I'm free we could do some...tutoring...", he said accenting the word tutoring with an eyebrow raise.

     Evie blushed at the thought but was excited to tutor Chad privately. She just nodded her head in agreement as Chad handed her the papers. Meanwhile no one noticed Doug eavesdropping on the conversation and rolling his eyes. Chad left with a wink and Evie thought she had bagged a Prince Boyfriend not knowing she was the one who was bagged.
     The next class would be Remedial Goodness taught by the Fairy Godmother herself and then Lunch.

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