Chapter 9 END

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Emily's POV

When I woke up I looked around, it took me a second to remember what happen last night. I look over to see remus lying next to me...... Naked. Oh my god. I knew I should have looked away I just couldn't. Then I heard a cough behind me. I wiped by head around to Sirius smirking at me. Really what is with that boy and smirking.

"Enjoying the view, again are we" he said shut up black

Sirius stood up and picked a blanket and draped it over remus.

"You know that was the first fill moon remus haven't scraped himself up. Just then remus sat up.

"He remus" I said

He wiped his head around and started at me like I had three heads.

"Emily what are you doing here" he asked panicked

"I followed you" I said

"And your not scared" he asked

"Remus the way you acted last night I don't know how I can be" I whispered

"What" he said confused

"Dude all you did was snuggle with her" Sirius said

"Oh" he said blushing

"And he's blushing again" Sirius said this just made him blush more.

Then James woke up followed by Peter.

"Ok I say we all go back to the castle and get some food" I said

"That sounds great but I kind of need to put some cloths on first of you don't mind" remus stutters

"Oh right I forgot" I said blushing

Once remus got his cloths on we headed back into the castle.

"Can I talk to for a sec" remus said to me

"Sure"the other bits went ahead leaving me and remus

"Well you see after a full, well I'm sort of kinda not got any cloths one" he stuttered

"Yes well I sort of found out this morning" i said looking at my shoes

"So you saw" he said

"Ya" I thought he was going to freak out but instead he pushed me up against the wall and stated snogging me. We were then interrupted by someone coughing. We broke part and saw Rachel and Mell glaring at me

Mell POV

I am so done with that bitch. Remus will realise that he was meant to be with me not her. All I had to do was think of a way. So I did the rational thing and kissed him on the lips. He was so socked he didn't do anything at first. Then he throw me of him.

"What remus tell me you didn't fell anything" I said in a sweetly sick tone


I let put a frustrated scream and walked of with Rachel behind

Remus POV

"Wow that bitch is persistent" Emily said

"Your not made are you" I said looking over at her

"Course to but your looking a little sick so let me help you" she said. With that she leaned I'm a kissed me.

For the rest of the year Mell would attempt to kiss me. Snape tried to get Lilly to ditch James. Witch never work. And life wad great.

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