Chapter 1

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I'm Emily. I'm in 6th forum at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. My best fiend is Lilly Evans.

Today is the first day of term. My mother, farther and younger sister And older sister dropped me of. I'm siting in a compartment on the train when the Marauders came in. The Marauders have all the girls, except for peter who just tags along and agrees with everything they say. I roll my eyes as they enter. The Marauders consist of James potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and peter Pettigrew

"Hey Ems were gunna sit here if you don't mind" Sirius said

"Hate to break it to you but this compartment has a no baboon policy. Ha, I guess I don't hate to break it to you" I said and smirked proud of my comeback. James, Peter and Remus laughed, Sirius looked more annoyed than anything.

"Well I don't hate break it to you but the compartments are full" he replied.

"Fine" I grumbled

The boys took their seats Pettigrew by the window the Black and Potter nest to him. Lupin sat next top me. Potter and Black kept smirking at him, while he was blushing. Idiotic boys I thought.

"So Em"said potter

"Don't call me Em" I snapped

"Feisty, I know someone who likes that" black said smirking and Lupin

I rolled my eyes pulled out a book and stated to read, when potter took it from me.

"Harry Potter" he read "sounds dorky so it perfect" he smirk

I was about to grab it back when he moves it away. Then the cartage door opened to show my best friend Lilly Evens.

"Hey Emily" she said sweetly the gritting her teeth she said "Pettigrew, Lupin, Black and Potter"

"Hey Lilly" Potter said starting at her. I took this as a chance to drab my book.

Lilly came over and took the other seat next top me.

We spent the rest of the train rode talking about the book and summer.

When we arrived we let the boys get of first, then Lilly got of then me, but in my way down I tripped on the step. I braced my self for the ground but instead I was in someone's arms. I looked up to see chocolate brown eyes looking at me. Lupin. I just stayed there for who knows how long

"Hello" Sirius said waving his hand in front of our faces

I jumped up to see James, Sirius, Peter smirking at us and Lilly starting at us.


"I bet you liked that" smirked James

"what are you talking about" stuttered Remus

"Oh I think you know" said Sirius

"Shut up" said Remus and way to make it obviously on the train"


"You like Remus, you like Remus" Lilly taunted

"No I do not'" I shouted back "just because he's cute, smart, handsome, sweet, has strong....." I stopped in mid sentence fuck. I looked over at Lilly how was grinning ear to ear.


Me and Lilly were finishing eating lunch when the Marauders came in and sat them self in front go us and of course Remus had to sit on front of me. Me and Lilly pretended they were not there in till

"So lovely Lilly would you like to go on a date with me" James smirked

"I would love to" squealed Lilly

We looked at her like she was crazy even James was surprises

"When pig fly" finished Lilly

they began to argue and peter black Lupin and I just watched in amusement as Lilly and James stood and a walked to the end of the table and we're now yelling into each other faces when the most shocking thing happened. Lilly kissed potter right on the lips. Lilly rapped her arms around his neck and her legs around is waist. Potter was shocked at first but soon kissed back he pinned her agains table and started making out. They then stopped remembering we were there. We looked at them shock they were both as red a tomato.

"We'll this is total award" said lily

"No shit" I said and pulled Lilly out of the room

"Ok" I starter what the hell was that

"We'll I have sort of liked him for some time so ya" she answered


"She likes me she likes me ya" sang James

"Good job dude" said Remus

So the nest day James asked Lilly to be his girlfriend and she said yes. We're on ok terms now but we still fight ALOT.

I was sitting in potion when Remus cam and sat next to me I felt the eyes of Rachles eyes glaring into my back as he did. We were instructed to creat a invisibly potion and when our hand touched it felt like sparks were sent threw me. We were packing up after the lesson when I fell my robes and Remus caught me again

"We've got to stop doing this" he smirked looking down at me

"Ya" I blushed Remus walked out. I got up and was about to walk out when Rachel's stopped in front of me

"stop begging such a cluts and you better back of Remus he's mine you fuck bitch" she said

"Acutely I'm not yours and don't call her a bitch" said Remus stepping threw the door

"Oh hey rem I don't see you there did you come to pick me up, why are you sticking up for this thing" Rachel's said glaring at Emily

"No I forgot my book" he said as he picked up his book "come on Em let's go" he said as he put his arm over my shoulders I couldn't help but think that was were is was meant to be.

"Thanks"'I said as we we're put of the room

"Any time" he smiled blushing witch made him look even cuter

With that we went our different ways.

Oh shit I thought I like Remus Lupin

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