Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

I was coming down the hall and I saw remus waiting by the door. I walked up to him

"Hi remus" I said

"Hi, shall we go" he asked

"He took my hand and led me out of the castle. I could see James and Lilly up ahead. James and Lilly pinned to a tree and was snogging her senseless. We walked right passed them not wanting to intruded. When we down there we first went into the 3 broomsticks. Remus grabbed a booth in the conner while I went up to the bar to get some butter bears. When I got back to the table Mel was siting next to remus and looked like she was trying to kiss him while he was trying to pry her of him.

"Excuse me" I said tapping her shoulder. She turned around and smirked at me

"Oh hi I had no idea you were here" she said innocently "I'm so sorry you had to find out about our relationship this way" she finished smirking

"I hate to break to you remus is my boyfriend" I pulled her of him. I then pulled remus up and crashed my lips on his. Remus hands went to my waist and I tangled my hands in is hair. Once we ran out of breath we broke apart. I had totally forgotten Mell, she was fuming I mean she was pissed. She stormed out the pub. Remus and I took a seat at the booth.

"So did you mean it when you said I was your boyfriend" he said looking down blushing

"Um ya ifs that all right with you" I whispered suddenly feeling very stupid for my choose of words

"That's fine so are you my girlfriend" he asked


"Wow this is so cool" he jumped up and down in the booth. It just made me giggle

Severus POV

I was walking down to hogsmeade when I heard a grunting noise and then I heard

"Oh James"

James had Lilly pinned to tree and was snogging her, and he was MOANING HIS NAME. I knew they were dating but this is taking things to the next step. I pulled James off Lilly.

James POV

I had Lilly pinned up against a tree and was snogging her senseless. I started grunting and then I heard the best thing ever she moaned my name. Then nest thing I know I was being thrown of Lilly. I looked up and saw Snape.

"Lilly what are you doing" he screamed

"I was kissing my boyfriend" she yelled " and it's Evens to you"

Severus POV

I had to do something, to show her she was making a huge mistake, so I kissed her

James POV

HE KISSED HER. THAT BLOODY GIT KISSED MY LIILY. Things were about to get ugly. I pulled him of Lilly and punched him right in the nose. I was going to do more damage but Lilly pulled me back and then surprised me kicking him were the sun does not shine.


"Lilly he just using you he'll move on please" he begged

"No he won't" she said calming down "he loves me.. And and I love him"

"Really" I asked


I then pushed her against a tree again and began kissing her leaving Severus to walked away.

Severus POV

She loved him I could not believe it. My Lilly was know James Potters, and there was nothing I could do.

Remus POV

Me and Emily were walking back up to the castle. We both and bags full of chocolate and I had a few new books. Once we were at the castle I wasn't sure whether I was meant to kiss her or hug her. I know we had already kissed well really snogged but that was to get red of Mell. I was not sure what to do know.

"You know remus this is the part of the date when you kiss me." She whispered

I blushed. Apparently she was very good at reading emotions. I leaned in kissed her on the lips. It's was great I could have stayed like that forever but we were interrupted by a annoying sound

"We'll look at the new lovely couple" Mel sneered

"Oh fuck of Mell" Emily said and we went right back to kissing. But not before I noticed Mell's very taken back face.

After what seemed like two minutes we Brock apart but apparently it was longer.

"Final you two were snogging for a good ten minutes" black commented as he came round with conner with James and Lilly behind him.

"We didn't want to break it up so we judged waited" Lilly said

"Anyway" remus said changing the subject "I think it time we went to bed,come in padfoot, prongs"

James kissed Lilly lightly on the lips and remus did the same then him, black and potter walked off. As soon as we were sure they were round the conner we both started screaming.

Remus Lupin Hogwarts Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang