Chapter 3

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What is he doing here he should not be hear.

"Omg"screeched chloe "that's him, we are so going to talk to him"

"No, no we are not going to talk to him"I relied sternly

"All right come on Maddie I'll take you down to the stream" chloe said

I just nodded my head and began to read my book that's when I realised what she's going to do I looked up at the stream. Chloe was talking to the boys. I stood up and sprinted over.

Sirius and James were smirking at me.

Not good

"Oh hey guys I see you met my sister well that's great bey." With that I tried to drag her away but she kept one talking

"You must be remus I have heard so much about you" chloe said looking at remus

Remus just looked up red as a tomato

"Err ya hi" he stumbled

That was it I pulled chloe and Maddie away yelling bey to the boy as we went.

Remus POV

"Remy your crush talks about you how sweet"teased James

"Ya and she was looking really hot today if you don't make a move soon then I will" Sirius added

I glared at both of them

"Is remy embarrassed it's ok remy"James teased some more

"I siurs have ass looks H-O-T" said Sirius staring at her ass as she walked away

That did I was pissed

"Sirius Black you better stop looking at her but or I swear to god I will....." I was about to finish but I saw James look i slowly turned around and Emily was standing right there

"Errr right Maddie forgot her toy" she stumble she picked her toy and and ran

Oh my god

Emilie's POV

Sirius was looking at my but...... Yuck

Time skip to next day

"Chloe, Emily, Maddie get dressed were going to a B&Q.

I loved B&Q so I was exited I throw on a denim shorts a tight pink tang top and loose almost see threw white shirt over. I slipped on my white flats grabbed my wand and climbed into the car.

'Who's house is it mums some new people we met a couple of days ago, he acutely has son your age there name it Lupin.

Oh my fuck'n god

10minutes later we pulled up to a nice looking house

I hesitantly got out

"We're a little early so were properly the only once there" my mum warned

My mum knocked on the door and mrs. Lupin opened it

"Hello welcome"mrs Lupin said

"Sorry were early" my mum said

"Not a problem

"Remus my son is up stairs with some of his other friends" she said looking at me and my sisters

"Yes me and your son go to school together" I relayed

"Your a witch, that's great, you aren't by any chance Emily" she asked

"Yes mama I am" I relied

"Remus has told be so much about you"she said "please do go upstairs

So me and my sisters went upstairs while our parents chatted with Remus parents

I was up the stairs first and I ran straight into remus how was just wearing a bath towel around his waist. And of course I knocked him over and landed right on top of him with me head inches from his and instead of getting of him I just started at his six pack

When I heard the most annoying voice that belonged to the one the only Sirius Black

"Enjoying the view there Emily"

"Oh shut it black" I hissed finally getting of remus who was red in the face

Chloe was having a giggle fest behind me and Maddie just looked confused

I hate to say it but I was staring a remus abbs

"Right"remus started "I'm just gunna you know put some cloths on

With that he left the room

Just then Maddie came all the way up the stairs knocking me right onto Sirius

So now I'm pressed up against Sirius with my hands on his chest and his hands around my wast me and my sisters were in shock I felt frozen I didn't move

"I all ways new you had a thing for m.."he stopped I final looked behind me and there was remus and James looking at me. James looked furious and remus just looked.. Hurt. Bit it was all to much for me. My sisters and I fan down the stars leaving the boys upstairs.

Remus POV

I felt my heart break of course she liked Sirius why would a girl ever like me over the black charm. I just didn't think that Sirius would actually do anything with her, I thought he was my friend. It was stupid of me anyway to think she may actually like me I was being a idiot.

James POV

"Dude"I screamed and Sirius "what the hell you can't just" I didn't get to finish because Remus stalked of into his room. When he was gone I said in a lower voice " what the fuck you know how insecure remus is about girls why did you do that.

"She feel on me and I was just teasing her" Sirius defended himself

"Well you need to tell him that not me" I said

Sirius POV

holy shit why did I do that now remus properly thinks she liked me not good not good at all. I remember the only other girl remus like before Emily was Sarah was she was alway hanging out with us and remus liked her we all thought she liked remus so we told him to ask her out but just laughed at him the nest day she had the never to asked me out.

"Remus can I come in" I asked

I heard a grumble so I just walked in

He was curled up on his bed reading

"What do you want Sirius"

"Just wanted to see how you were doing"

"I'm fine"

"Listen Remy it was not what it looked like she fell on me when her sister came up the stairs" I said

"Really because it sure didn't look like that" remus said

"Trust me I don't like her and she doesn't like me" I replied

"Are you sure"


"Alright" remus said cracking a smile

Then James walked in and saw us both smiling

"We'll I'm glad we're all ok because remus your mums want to to be with the other guest with means their coming up her.

"We'll bring them up" said remus

Remus Lupin Hogwarts Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora