Chapter 2

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That night me and Lilly were sitting in the common room, I had just finished telling her about the I love remus thing when the Marauders come in. James and Sirius were laughing at a red remus.

"My I ask what is so funny" said Lilly

"Well remus here" said james jabbing his thumb at remus "has his first crush" james finished in a baby voice

I felt my heart shatter

"She's in this room right now..." said Sirius

But before he could say anything els remus had his hand over his mouth

I looked around the room jenny, Lisa, Jamie but they were going out with Ben and Max and Steve so it was not them. There was also Juliana, Sarah and...... Rachel smith.

The moment I saw her I knew it was her who he liked.

I could not taken it any longer I ran up stairs.

Meanwhile down stairs.....

"Way to make it obvious black know she know and she won't even look at me' said remus in a sad tone

"Are you kidding me" Lilly shouted "she thought you liked rachel or something, didn't you" Lilly stop "never mind" she said and ran of

"Great job guys she officially hates me" I grumbled and went up stairs

"Wow he really likes her" said James

"No kidding" Sirius replied

For the neat few weeks Emily avoided remus as much as possible. Soon it was spring break and everyone was going home.

Emily POV

I was final home and knocked on the door and my mother answered

"Hi mum" I said grinning

"Your home she threw her arms around me and pulled me into a bear hug

"Nice to see you too mum but I really need to breath"

I said hello to my dad then to my sisters Maddie who was 6 and Chloe who was 16. A couple days passed and I was getting really board

"I'm board" I said to my mum

"Why don't you and your sisters go to the park with a picnic" she answers

"ok" I said

I ran up and told Chloe and Maddie then I ran up and throw and some shorts and green tang top. I slipped my white flats on and grabbed the food and ran out. Maddie and Chloe were already waiting out side.

"Ready" I asked

"Yep"Chloe relied

"So stared Chloe as we walked "are there any boys you like" she squealed

"No" I said a bit to fast and of properly didn't help I was blushing

"Oh my there is what his name what does he look like" she asked

"We'll" I began slowly "his name is Remus Lupin" now we were at the park and laying out the food "he has chocolate brown eyes and gold brown hair that gets in his eyes. He is like two inches taller then me" I was about to continue when Maddie interrupted me

"Is that him" she said pointing over to the lake"

And sure enough there was Remus with his head in a book with his friends all around him.

"Shit" I thought

Remus Lupin Hogwarts Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora