Detention for bad little boys

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It hadn't occurred to Max that he would be in trouble for what happened. After all, he was the one being bullied. Yet, everyone else didn't see it that way.

The officers who came in regarded Max wearily. One was an older lady with strips of white hair, her eyes mirroring that of an owl and small feathers splattering her exposed skin. The other officer was a young man, practically still a boy. He didn't immediately appear to have an affinity until his eyes focused on Maxim's and his skin became slowly transparent.

The effect would have been alarming had it revealed his inner workings underneath, but instead a dull blue hue was visible behind it. The young officer whispered something to his partner and she nodded in response. Everyone in the room was dazed at the display of powers, so much so that when the lady spoke they were startled.

"Doctor, if you could remove the boys muzzle."

Her voice held a regal authority within it that brokered no argument.

"Yes, of course ma'am. I just want you to be aware of-" The doctor hesitantly stuttered, but was cut off by the lady.

"My partner has examined the boy and found no hostility or violent intentions. Honestly, that thing might be doing more harm than good for his mental state. So if you would please."

The doctor nodded and got the nurse's assistance in taking off the contraption. Mechanical wiring could be heard as latches unlocked and receded into hidden holding spots. Max could feel soreness and pain in his jaw and tears started to form in his eyes as his mouth forcefully changed position.

Wendy flinched at the sight of her son and grabbed Joni's hand fiercely, backing further into the corner of the room. She couldn't bare to see the pain that struggled to break free on his face. Joni was just as distraught although she couldn't place an odd feeling she had about it.

The muzzle finally gave way and Max gave a soft whimper as his jaw struggled to rework itself. His hands hovered over his face and he glanced to his parents standing in the corner. His eyes pleading for their comfort expecting it, but they did not come forward. Joni held them firmly in place, that weird feeling keeping her rooted.

The doctor instructed the nurse and he got to work injecting Max's IV with some type of needle. The doctor leaned over Max inspecting the light bruising on his jaw and how the moderate lightening of the marks consisted with a form of advanced healing.

She'd need to update Max's chart again, but now wasn't the time. Once the doctor and nurse stepped out of the way the two officers came forward. The lady briefly consulted with the doctor to make sure he was able to talk.

"Maxim Tinner, correct?". Max just stared at his hands, his jaw loose and hanging open.

"I need you to state that, that is your name." Max's eyes trail up slowly from the bed, red with tears. They land on the lady's eyes and Max shakes his head. Looking back down he stares at the comforter, not sure if he wanted its warmth anymore. Out of the corner of his eye a dull yellow light shines through and makes him lift his head again. The male officer is staring intently at Max with his hand held out to him.

Max doesn't know why, but he placed his hand on the officers. The color of the man's skin instantly brightens and the yellow is a soft light that flows around the room. Max tries to pull his hand away, but the man holds fast with little effort. He starts speaking out loud.

"All of it is sadness, Sarah. Its sadness and confusion. He doesn't understand."

The older lady nods, her eyes blinking slowly. She looks at Max expectantly and he can feel something loosen inside him.

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