His brother followed him has he went back around the front and stood behind him and he kicked in old Jensen's front door. It didn't take him long to make his way up the stairs and he wasn't being too quiet about it either. I guess that was his downfall as the old man's Foreman met him at the top steps.

"What in the tarnation is this about?" Kale asked with a voice full of indignation.

" This is about a little bird telling me you were seen tonight with two women slung over your horse. Upon reaching the yard you came inside for help. With that light on in the attic when I was convinced I woke you, I am gonna believe that little birdy because there is something fishy going on here. If you got my women in there your in for one hell of a ride when I hang you in the nearest tree just to hear your neck snap and that's after I beat you to a bloody pulp."

Harley growled out, he took joy in the three shades of white that the mans face turned.

Harley not wanting to wait any longer when Myley could be only feet away pushed past a now intimated Kale. Kevin followed behind but Kale seemed to recover from his shock and with a growl of rage pushed Kevin back down the stairs. Harley turned in time to see his brother tumble down the steps. Harley called his name as he landed, Kevin moaned and blinked to clear his head clearly stunned.

Harley turned and punched Kale so hard he heard the crunch of the cartilage as it broke.

The man hollered out in pain but Harley ignored him, snatching him up by his collar and dragging him the rest of the way to the attic door.

The crack that sounded loudly to the room over the door hitting the wall is Harley kicked it open was the only sound as Harley took in the scene that lay before him.

Old man Jenson was tied to a wood X of sorts, a black ball gag that reminded him of a horse bit in his mouth.

The scene made him shudder, with disgust at the lifestyle he wished

he never had to be witness to.

The thought of these two men play I such games was too much. So he blocked it out and looked down to see a very embarrassed Kale. Right now he could care less about their games only the truth.

"Where are the women Kale? What did you do with them?"

Harley turned at the muffled shouting sounds coming from the old man and went to undo his bindings. Jenson pulled the gag from his mouth and grabbed his pants. "What have you done Kale?"

The old man shouted.

Kale shook his head in shame.

"You said it was her fault. You said if she hadn't rejected him it would all be different."

Jenson sighed. "I said a lot out of anger but I never raised a hand to harm anyone nor would I ever."

Kale looked up from his seat on the floor where Harley had thrown him.

"You said it and then we found out we could loose everything. So when I saw Colt's man, Trevor, I made plans. I snuck over to their property and set fire to the feed and tack barns. While everyone was distracted I took them. Trevor met me here while you were upstairs and took them away. I had hoped if Colt could convince Myley to be with him he'd stay and help."

" You damn old fool. That boy was never gonna stay and all you did was help him get revenge on that poor girl for turning him down. Which by the way she was almost raped by him on their one and only date, now thanks to you that nightmare is being relived and even worse. What the hell was you thinking. This didn't help anyone but Colt. I never wanted revenge on anyone." Jenson was shouting now and pacing the floor.

"Harley I can never fix this for you. I can never repay this blyth that will forever stain my name against your family. I will send men to rebuild for you and your father. At my cost, which at this point with take everything I have left."

The last part was a shot at Kale no doubt as Jenson cut his eyes at him.

"It was their fault your son left." Kale defended himself

"That boy has always been rotten Kale and I wanted him gone once I had the proof of it."

Kale hung his head and wept.

Harley looked at the broken man knowing leaving him alive was worse than killing him.

"I will let you live but you will disappear or I will come back and kill you for what you've done to my family. I think casting you out is punishment enough. Showing you how it feels to loose your family.

Jenson nodded, "I agree. I have no use for men like you Kale. Like my son, lying and conniving. Go sleep in his bed. Now where is Lady Myley and Lady B.?"

Jenson asked.

"I think they took them to the old bunkhouses past the west pastures, about a mile back in the tree line."

Kale said through his tears.

Harley looked at Jenson and shook his hand.

"I am sorry I intruded on your personal affairs. I promise to repeat nothing I saw here."

The old man nodded, " Much obliged."

Harley waited no longer but sprinted down the stairs to find Kevin sitting on the porch swing. Cold towel held to his head.

"Can you ride?"

At his brothers nod they mounted and took off at a gallop. Kevin asked no questions just followed hoping his brother had finally discovered the answers they needed to find Myley and Momma B.

♞ Claiming His Filly ♞( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now