♞ Chapter 11 ♞

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Chapter 11

                Myley awoke slowly, rubbing her face into the pillow that had so lovingly cradled Harley's head last night. She still smelled the traces of his cologne left behind.
Her hand swept over the blankets, puzzled when her fingers touched something velvet soft and damp. Leaning up to look her breath caught as she looked over her bed covering, seeing petals of roses scattered over her. Their sweet fragrance wafted to meet her as she moved them. Her cheeks turned pink at the thought of what they shared the night before and a smile bloomed at the sweet thoughtful man that spread rose petals over her bed this morning.

Slowly getting up and easing her arm into her sling after she pulled on a pair of jeans and shirt. She carried her boots down to the kitchen to get her mother's help stepping into them, after she fluttered around fixing Myley's breakfast. Myley smiled,  thinking her mother reminded her of a beautiful butterfly fluttering around one of the fields of wildflowers.  She studied her mother, knowing when she let her hair down it would cascade down her back in brown curls, her body slender but curvy. Momma B had aged well and was still quite beautiful.
She wore a blue jean shirt of Luke's over a white tank, a belt around her waist, and a long blue jean skirt that completed the outfit. She dropped her head as warmth spread through her, finally after all the years spent with this family of men both her and her mother had found love, It was such a beautiful thing.

"Mom I want to go find Harley." Her mother nodded with a small smile, at that moment Luke walked into the house. her smile grew bigger as her eyes locked with his. As they stood there locked in a lover's passionate embrace with a simple look, Myley silently slipped out of the house unnoticed.

Kyle saw Myley slowly walking across the yard with a big grin on her face; her eyes were scanning the clear blue sky that shown bright overhead. "Hey are you going to walk around all day with your head in the clouds?" He laughed as he jogged closer. Myley smiled over at him, "Kyle, don't you ever just take the time to be serious and look at how lucky we are to live in God's country? It is so beautiful here without the sounds of honking horns from the city to drown out the bird's songs, or tall building to block out the stars at night." Kyle laughed and shook his head, since when did you become so sentimental?" Myley shook her head with a smile, "I just started to realize you see the beauty in many things of you would only take the time to look for it. Without the beautiful things, life would be very ugly." With a laugh and shake of his head, kyle left her to head for his daily chores.

Walking softly into the barn, trying to sneak up behind Harley. myley noticed he stood lost in thought,  his foot resting on the lowest board of the stall gate that held his beloved horse. "Haven't I told you before I have a very jealous woman?"
Myley jumped at his sudden voice, he gave nothing away that he had heard her. Myley bit her bottom lip, hiding her smile. standing silent, watching him to see what he would do next. His stood stone still, his hat hanging low over his brow as he smiled. "Pretty girl like you out here, with a arm in a sling. yet, your looking for trouble. you're in my territory out here darlin' , be careful not to tempt the beast."
He still kept his eyes hid from her under the brim of his hat. Pulling her lip from her teeth, she allowed her smile to break free, "And if I came just to tempt the beast,  as you say?" She asked in a low voice taking a slow step forward. Harley swung his head back to look out over their land through the window, the only sound for a moment was from the horse that ate from his sweet feed pan. "Well if that's the case then by all means, let's see what goodies you have brought."
Harley never dreamed Myley would be so bold, but she eased over to his side. looking up at the profile of his face. running her good hand over his chest as she laid her cheek on his arm. Her hand found its way into the front of his open flannel button up.  she felt Harley's breath slow as her skin made contact with his. Slowly she stroked over his bare skin, feeling the strong chest that he had earned with long days of work to keep their farm alive. Here stood a man, a dying breed, that so many would never understand. He lived to protect this land they had built on, his family and his heart.
Harley dropped his arm she leaned on and finally looking down at Myley as her warm hand rubbed over his skin. grabbing her belt loop, harley pulled her further in front of him. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up as he bent down to meet her lips. "You are the most beautiful sight this morning darlin'." He whispered as he kissed her more deeply, her hand still rubbing over his chest. the kiss quickly heated and Harley had to be the bigger man and pull back. restin' his chin on her head as he heldbher close. " we didn't practice safety, last night darlin'." was all he said. myley cleared her throat.
   Pulling back, she settled her hand on his hip, Harley doing the same with his free hand as he looked down at her. "I loved the roses this morning Harley. Thank you so much for that." He smiled and gently touched this tip of her nose before he stepped back. "I have to go ride fences."
"i did make sure we were protected, harley."
harley's brows dropped in confusion. "Come again?"
myley dropped her own head now, feeling nervous about her confession. " i asked doc about
birth control, when he came. i wouldn't trap you like that, Harley."
he heard in her voice, raw fear and hurt.
" hold up there darlin', i never said anything about trapping me."
when she didn't look up to meet
his eyes, he pulled her face up to meet him eye to eye.
" i came here to love you for the rest of our lives, i am already trapped darlin' but not by your doin' exactly."
myley smiled a small, unsure smile.
" i just wanted to ease your mind."
trying to lighten the mood, Harley switched to teasing, once more.
" so, that means you planned taking
advantage of me?"
myley face flamed red as she shook her head and turned away. intent on ignoring
his question. harley grabbed her hand and pulled her back before she even completed her step away. he didn't give her time to protest, he kissed her breathless.
" that just swells my head with pride, Filly. now, I want you to go back and rest. I know your getting tired of being cooped up in that house but you can't push it too fast. i will see you at dinner with the family as normal and then maybe we can sit out on the porch tonight after."
Myley smiled as she hugged him once more, her arm going around his waist, her face into his chest. When he hugged her back, she placed a small kiss on the open neck of his shirt, to his chest. Smiling up at Harley, he bent to kiss her once more before she made her way back inside.

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