Chapter 17

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Harley and Kevin were soaked by the rain before they made it to Colt's house. Harley wasted no time jumping off his horse and beating down  Mr. Jenson's door.

A very disheveled and sleepy eyed old man opened the door with surprise and said with no shortage of irritation, "Harley Hutch. What in God's green earth brings you here this late at night, in this weather beating down the Jenson's door?"

"Where is Colt, Kale?"

Harley didn't bother answering the Ranch Foreman's questions, he was although surprised to see the man acting as the man of the house.

Maybe there were things about ole Mr. Jenson nobody knew but tonight wasn't the night to think about trivial personal life.

"Why he hasn't been here since you came home to my knowledge Harley. The Mr. is in bed at this hour of course is something wrong?"

Harley looked back at Kevin seeing no help as he shrugged with lack of answers. Harley could see the same questions going through his

mind as he himself had pondered.

" Wake him. Please."

Harley gritted out and stepped back on the porch to wait.

Harley and Kevin stood silently

looking over the dim property when

a slight movement in the back corner of the yard caught Kevin's attention. Straining his eyes to distinguish the shapes in the dim light so as to find the source of the movement. It was then Kevin spotted a dark figure running from the bunkhouse towards the woods.

Slapping Harley's arm he pointed out the figure that under the cover of night now carelessly swept into the tree line.

"Wait here and question

ole Jenson." Kevin said before running out into the yard and following the sneaking man.

Harley didn't want to listen, he wanted to follow his brother, he wanted to know if the place where the man was sneaking to was where his precious Little Filly was being held.

But he also knew that it was possibly a simple distraction someone thinking in their flight Kevin and Harley would give chase leaving the house unguarded for whomever wish to xscape into the night unnoticed.

It wasn't long before Jenson opened the doors looking just as disheveled as the man before.

He looked to be quickly as unhappy and even a bit embarrassed Harley had to wonder what the last emotion meant but didn't have time to wonder about the old man's personal quests that went on in this home at night.

" Have you seen your son Jensen?"

The old man shook his head.

" No, I haven't Harley. I told you this a couple weeks back."

" Yea well Myley has seen him since then and now my ranch has been set on fire as well as my father's and to top it all off Myley and Momma B is missing. I'm sorry but colt was the first person I suspected I know no one else that wishes us harm."

Jenson shook his head. " I sure am sorry Harley, I don't know nothing about him being back. He sure ain't been round here."

Harley blew out a exhausted breath.

" Well we saw someone sneaking around out here in the back of your yard running out in the woods. Kevin decided to follow and see where they went why they were sneaking into the woods this late at night. I reckon I'll just wait here on this porch for his return." Jenson's eyes widened only a fraction but it was enough that Harley noticed.

Whoever it was the old man didn't know so maybe he was innocent in this whole scheme and maybe his son was back without his knowledge.

"Do what you must but don't camp out here long. Get your brother and go home Harley.You'll find nothing here." Jenson said with irritation Harley assumed at the interruption.

Harley walked over to the porch swing and sat down, outside looking calm and patient but inside he was anything but.

He was sick with worry now and it clawed at the pit of his stomach, he had no idea where to look next. Where Colt might have taken them, if he was responsible. He didn't see where is the man had many options many hide outs.

It didn't take long for Kevin to jog back up to the porch with the report he had to give and it was none too reassuring. They were still left with no ideas where to look and who could have stolen so many lives right out from underneath their feet this night.

Kevin saw only a midnight tryst between lovers.

   Inside Jenson watched Harley leave and smiled as he made his way back upstairs.

As it happened Miss B was the object of the two men's attention first. Miley heard them come in, heard the soft footsteps now bare of boots as they crossed the room. They stopped in front of her and soon she heard her mother's distress. Shewished her hands were free so she could cover her ears as well as now thankful for the blindfold over her eyes. She wished her hands were free so she could defend them knowing that the torture had just started and not knowing when they would be rescued or if Harley would find them just made matters worse.

She still had no clue as to who had taken them why they were here and she worried for her baby safety as well as her and Mama B's.

Harley knew nothing of the baby yet she had just found out herself this morning after the mens departure.

Now she feared she would never have the chance to tell Harley of their impending blessings of a baby that God has blessed them with life to carry on the legacy of their love.

She heard snickers from the men in the distance, disgusting grunts and moans as they obviously found a way to sate lust in her poor mother's body. The sounds pulled her from her morbid thoughts.

She heard her mother's whimpers and cries and then she heard her mother's voice as she begged for her daughters life, for her daughter's innocence as Myley felt hands skim up her ankles slowly. The hands reached to Myley calves.

The hands then slowly approached  the top of her panties that protected her.

" Stop begging!" Myley said with more force than she intended as her own anger grew but she was tired of hearing her mother beg them for mercy and only be answered with mocking laughter. She was angry that men could be so disgusting as to gain pleasure from rape.

" Stay silent and endure. Don't give them the satisfaction of begging them for anything it will do us no good here it will only fall on deaf ears but they will pay for this they will die..." Myley's words were cut short by the stinging slap that landed across her mouth , when she licked her lips she tasted blood. With her mind starting to twist she answered them with a wicked laugh hoping to taunt them, not giving in to their attempt to scare and dominate her. She knew her husband would come for them whether they were alive or not she knew not but she knew he would surely kill them for this.

Marley heard the sudden silence in the room except for the sounds of the men still attempting to steal their innocence. Her mother had heard her and listened, there was no more sounds escaping Mrs B.and this enraged the men. She heard the sound of flesh meeting flesh as they obviously slapped her mother but still no sound came from her lips Miley smirked because in that moment they had won. It didn't matter what they did to them from this point on neither of them would give the satisfaction making a peep.

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