I needed that.

"Hey, everyone." Suddenly a playful voice causes my eyes to flutter open and I guide them in the direction of the voice.

On the podium, the shaggy haired man sits on the edge of the stool with the curve of his guitar resting on his thigh and his free leg propped on the bar between the legs of the stool.

My brows scrunch together as they follow my eyes narrowing on the boy. The familiarity of his appearance has me wondering if I've met him before, but it's difficult to get a good look at him when his head is casted down, looking at the placement of his slender fingers on the guitar strings. Finally, he lifts his head and scans the room until his dark orbs land on mine. His rounded eyes puff as they softly close when his smile reaches his eyes before his lips, and there's a soft twinkle in them from the dim lights hanging from he ceiling.

Then it hits me and I recognize him as the guy who waiting for Nora.

I smile, feeling my cheeks burn with heat when I notice how long I've actually been staring at him, but I don't look away and neither does he.

"Please enjoy." The small smile on his lips tell me he he gets this often. The unblinking stares from blush girls because of how handsome he is.

It's only until I hear the soft strumming of his fingers against the strings that I tear my eyes away from his to admire the gently touch of his slender fingers. The melody silenced the chatter in the coffee house and suddenly everyone's attention was pulled towards him like a gravitational pull.

When he started singing, I found myself staring at his pink lips, admiring the control he had over his voice and the fluidity and clarity of each word in the beautiful song.

"So, what was it that you had to tell me?" Taehyung's voice replaced Jungkook's soft one with his deeper one low and close to my ear as he didn't wanna disturb the audience. If only he knew I didn't want to be disturbed either, but I managed to put my attention on him, shifting on the couch so I was facing him.

"So, I went on a date with Jimin yesterday— after work." I say. Taehyung's stoic face begins to contort into surprise as his brows climb up his forehead and his eyes widen like his gaped mouth.

"Doctor Park?" He repeats and hurriedly leans into me when I nod. "You went on a date with a resident—"

"Well," I wince, my heart stinging just a little. "It wasn't really a date. We just grabbed dinner and ate in his car to talk. He never said it was a date."

Taehyung's expression fell, giving me his signature 'are you stupid' face with his head tilts to the side. "It was a date."

I pout my lips, sighing a I lean into the couch. "I don't know."

"Trust me, May." Taehyung whispers, standing from the couch with the empty mug in his hand and his coat in the other. "It was a date. Come on."

He snaps his head to the side, gesturing me to follow him and I panic as I want to tell him that I want to stay until the guy's set is over, but Taehyung's already waiting at the counter for me as he speaks to Yoongi.

I sigh to myself, looking up as the boy continues to sing beautifully before I grab my things and follow Taehyung.

"Thank you, Yoongi." I smile, placing my empty cup next to Taehyung's and put on my coat. "See you on Monday?"

He nods, eyes slowly and peacefully shutting while a soft smile plays on his lips. I swear sometimes he looks so at peace that it makes me wonder if he's stoned or something.

It causes a giggle to bubble out of me and I lean in. "Have fun on your camping trip."

His eyes open and his smile widens. "Thank you."

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