Chapter 1: Pinky Promise

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"Hey mom, I'm home." I said, walking in the door and plopping my stuff down.

"Pick up that backpack." I hear my mom say from the living room.

"Okay." I groaned. "Hey, mom? Is it okay if Greyson comes over?" I asked, walking into the living room.

"No honey. Mackenzie's tutor is coming over."

"But mom, Greyson never gets to come over." I said.

"I thought you weren't friends with him?" she asked.

I sighed. My mom never has told me why Greyson can't come over, but Christina has. She says our families were best friends but then things changed.

"Hey mom, I'm going to hang out with Nicole." my sister Christina said, coming down the stairs.

"Nicole? As in, Lauren's best friend?" I asked.


"So is Lauren gonna be there?" I asked.

"Probably. She always is there."

"I really don't like you hanging out with her." mom said.

"I hate to, but her and Nicole are best friends. And Nicole and I are friends so it's a little hard to not be around her. Besides, Nicole and I have that project to do for History."

"Okay, but be back by seven."

"Alright. See you, squirt." she said, giving me a playful punch.

Christina being with Lauren meant that Greyson wasn't with Lauren. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Brooke! Want to come over?"

"Sure!" I said, putting my hand to the speaker. "Mom, is it okay if I go over to Greyson's house?"

"Do you have homework?"

"We always do our homework whenever I go over there. I promise it'll be done when I get home."

"Okay, but be back at seven."

"Greyson? I can come over. I'm gonna take my bike so I'll be a couple of minutes."

"You always take your bike." he laughed.

"Ha, ha. I'll see you soon, GreyGrey!"

I hung up and mom looked over at me. "Are you serious with this boy?"

"Ew! No. We're just friends. We aren't dating or anything! He's dating Lauren, remember?"

"Okay. Just be careful and be home by seven."


I pedalled my bike over to Greyson's house. I knocked on the door where his mom answered. "Brooke, what a lovely surprise! Greyson invited you over again didn't he?"

"Yes ma'am. I apologize that he didn't tell you."

Greyson ran down the stairs and saw me. "Sorry mom. I just thought since she comes over a lot it'd be okay."

His mom laughed. "It's okay, just ask me next time."

She went to the living room and Greyson closed the front door. "Mom says I have to get my homework done before I can do anything. So you want to do our homework?"

"Sure." I said. Greyson's mom only allows us to do our homework at the table, not in Greyson's room. So we sat at the table and did our homework.

"So how's Mackenzie?" he asked.

Slipping Away (a Greyson Chance love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz