You tell him you're pregnant part 1

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You were feeling really nauseous, tired, and moody the past two weeks. To make things worse you had missed your period three weeks ago causing you to worry about the fact that you may be pregnant. You and Shawn were so young and had your whole lives ahead of you, but a baby would not apart of the plan for a while. After thinking about how your life may change for the better with a baby you called your friend Y/F/N to ask
him/her if they would get you pregnancy tests. You would go yourself, but you were in such a high profile relationship you didn't want the paparazzi finding out before you could properly tell Shawn. Y/F/N arrived at the house with the tests causing you to become even more nervous because it was becoming much too real. "Thank you so much Y/F/N" "You're welcome Y/N!" "Listen, I know you excited but for all, I know I may not even be pregnant." "I know it's just so hard not be happy about this, " Y/F/N squealed. "Before I take the test and my life may or may not change forever, can you stay while I take the test, " you ask "Of course I will Y/N, now go!" You then ran off to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test and waited five minutes and talked to Y/F/N so you could take your mind off of what was happening. After what felt like an eternity it was time to look a the test and the only thing that stood between you and knowing how your life would change for 18 years was a door. You slowly opened it to see everything in its place just like five minutes ago except for the fact that there will be two lines instead of none. Cold air consumed the bathroom causing a shiver, but there was a major shift in your thoughts that maybe you would become more responsible and loving for someone. You picked up the test and saw that it said you were pregnant meaning you were carrying a child you wouldn't meet for a long time but had so much love for in the 30 seconds that you looked at the test. Happy tears were flowing down your face causing Y/F/N to run in a panic "Are you ok?" "I couldn't be better, " you responded with a smile. You showed Y/F/N the test "Wow." "I know but how will I tell Shawn?" "I'm sure he'll be more than happy to start a family with you." "You think so?" "I know so."

Hey, sorry about the long break I just didn't know what to write for the book. I will be working in the 2nd part and may just turn into a pregnancy series for this book and make a baby book in the series. Comment and vote if you do. Ok bye

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