"Hey it's fine no issues. I understand from where you are coming" he said in a tone which might be considered reassuringly.

I gave him a grateful smile to which he returned with a smile which is almost non-existent.

Ladies and gentlemen that was the very first time Shane Mathews almost smiled at someone who isn't Samuel Parker and that too in front of a girl!

"Okay Bye Maya!" he said to which I replied with a bye and we went our separate ways.

The remaining day Shane talking to a girl in the parking lot was a hot topic in the campus.

Luckily Majority of them didn't know who the girl is or it would have been hell for me.

At the end of the day as usual I and Kerry left together.

"You know Shane talking to some girl is the hot topic right now. Do you know who that is?" Kerry asked teasingly.

"Argh! Kerry stop teasing me!" I huffed and looked out of the window.

I heard her laugh and turned to glare at her.

"So what did you both talk about? Did he ask you out this time?" she asked this time turning to me and wiggling her eyebrows at the red lights.

"Kerry! I will kill you without a second thought if you don't stop with this teasing" I told her by giving a murderous glare.

"Okay! I will stop" she said holding her hand up in a surrender and added "So what did you really talk about?"

"Yeah about that.... After you left I was also trying to go to my class but he stopped me saying that he wanted to clarify something about yesterday" I said to her.

"What about yesterday? You mean about that date?" she asked and I nodded.

"He asked me for help because of a dare his friends forced him to do" I replied thinking about what he said.

"I know" she said in a knowing tone.

I looked at her accusingly because god help her if she was involved in that dare or something I will personally kill her with my bare hands.

"What do you mean you know? Are you saying that I felt all that guilt about not accepting his request to help is because of your involvement?" I asked her in a stern but slow voice showing her the threat underneath it.

"Calm down Maya! I swear I don't know anything about the dare till yesterday night" she said immediately escaping my wrath.

"What do you mean till yesterday night?" I asked her confused.

"Uhh... that" she stammered which increased my impatience.

"Spill it Kerry" I said to her in a no delay tone.

"Please don't be mad or anything and please don't tell this to anyone" she said in requesting tone and I nodded her to continue.

"Shane, I and Sam are actually close than what it seems. We became close during our young age where it was compulsory for us to attend those business parties and we pretty much stayed in touch from time to time. " she said looking ahead on the road.

"It's just I didn't want any attention from everyone so I keep my distance from them in public" she added.

"It's okay Kerry I am not mad because I know how it feels to not want any attention because you know who I am and I am always thankful for my parents for that" I replied honestly to which she gave a grateful smile stopping in my driveway.

"So coming back to the point what do you mean till yesterday night? What happened?" I asked her curiously by what she meant.

"Yesterday after what you said going home I called Shane and gave him an earful when he explained what really happened" she said laughing I guess remembering their conversation.

"Okay" I said now understanding everything but it still feels weird that how Kerry is close to that cold person.

"So did he say to you what the dare was?" she asked looking so cheerful.

"Uh.. thinking about it no he didn't say anything about what the dare was about. He just explained that what he did was because of a dare" I replied remembering our conversation.

"So do you know what dare it was?" I asked her being curious.

"Of course I know" she said smiling so big than she already was.

"So what was it?" I asked her to which she just gave a negative nod and smiled at me.

"No. I am not going to say what it is. It is for me to know and you to find out" she said and I tried to pursue her in all ways I could but she didn't say anything. Heck she even rejected my offer of taking her to MC donalds and you should know Kerry never rejects MCD so I gave up.

and immediately pushed me out of her giving before I asked her anything saying she was getting late.

"By the way since I am out of your way you can try for him as much as you want" she said again in that teasing tone.

I gave her a look which meant is she really serious.

"No way! Even if I try he would never go for a girl like me who prefers jeans and sneakers over those dresses and heels. Honestly he would have seen many beautiful girls in his life to even consider me. To admit I am not even thin or do not have proper curves. You of all people should know that Kerry" I replied.

"Did you see yourself girl? You are so beautiful with that flawless skin every girl would die to have and those beautiful eyes are worth to die for. Yes you are not thin or curvy but you are chubby with right fat. I would totally hit you if I was interested in girls" she said winking at me.

"Okay whatever" I said giving up because she won't.

"Bye Kerry see you tomorrow" I said giving her a side hug and got out of the car.


Author's Note

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Lots of Love <3<3 :*

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