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"Once upon a time, there lived two skeleton brothers in a town called Snowdin. Papyrus is an overconfident taskmaster who loves puzzles and spaghetti. Sans is a lazy jokester who loves bad puns and ketchup. Sans gets on Papyrus's nerves, but the two deeply love each other. 

Suddenly, Sans remembers a human with DETERMINATION named Frisk. He remembers every time that the human has killed his friends. He remembers every time that the human has killed his brother. Remembering this is too much for Sans... and he cracks. He decides to do the same thing the human has done to gain LV and destroy them once and for all. To accomplish that, he has to kill his own brother Papyrus. 

Papyrus was very frightened by Sans's new appearance. But he became further frightened when Sans explained to him why he had to die. Papyrus begged Sans to spare his life. But Sans did not like what he had to say at all... With overwhelming guilt in his heart, Sans tried to kill his own brother. But Papyrus, filled with a desire to live, struck back... and the would-be murderer fell to his knees. As Sans was dying, he told Papyrus, "it's not your fault, bro. it's the human's fault. make them suffer for me." 

Now Papyrus is the one who has to kill his own friends. It's the human's fault that Sans is dead. NOW IT'S TIME FOR THEM TO PAY FOR IT."

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