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Chapter Playlist

~Something There-Emma Watson and Dan Stevens

~Anything Could Happen-Ellie Goulding

~Guts-All Time Low

"i've never felt this way about anyone"

Zim's POV

I sat down in my lab. I wasn't doing anything. I just sat there, thinking. Thinking of (Y/N) and how things have changed between us. We were once distant. We never spoke, I was rather forceful with her at times. I treated her horribly and I now regret ever doing that to her.

(Y/N) is the nicest human — and overall being— I've ever met. She didn't forgive me for treating her awfully, but she gave me a second chance. After I saved her's and the Dib-Worm's lives, she saved mine. She admitted that she wants to get to know me and be my friend. Maybe she's not worth being used for my mission and she's worth just being my friend. She keeps me company and I like spending time with her. For the past month and a half since she saved my life, we've been spending almost everyday together. We would go on walks, eat human food — there is some food I can digest — then we'd watch Earthen TV and movies.

Out of all my experiences on Earth so far, hanging out with (Y/N) has been the best one.

I sat down at the kitchen table. (Y/N) was pulling a plate out of this human device called an oven. She placed the plate down on the table. The food on it was greasy and orange. "What is that?" I asked in disgust. "It's pizza, human food" she answered.

I stared blankly at this pizza. It looks absolutely revolting, yet kind of appetizing. "Where did you get it?" I ask. "I made it" (Y/N) replied as she gathered two plates. "You did?" my eyes widen in surprise. I was convinced she couldn't make food except for waffles. (Y/N) sat down across me as she giggled, "Yeah, I'm surprised I could do it to. It took me all day, but I'm pretty sure I figured it out." "Why didn't you just make waffles again?" I ask. "I thought that homemade pizza would be a tad more healthier than pizza from Bloaty's. That pizza is gross and it might hurt an alien" she responded. "Plus I wanted to make something other than waffles."

I gazed down at the pizza again. It did look tempting to try. (Y/N) cut a piece and placed it on a plate in front of me . I picked up the piece. I held it for at least three full seconds. My hand wasn't burning. I raised the greasy Earth food to my mouth and took a bite. I chewed it. It was gooey and slimy. However, it happened to be quite appetizing. "Do you like it?" (Y/N) asked, resting her chin on her hands. I swallowed the piece. "It didn't kill me" I point out. "So it was adequate Earth food?" she inquired, biting into her own piece.

"It was..." My voice trailed off. I couldn't figure out a word to properly use. "Delicious?" (Y/N) prompted. "The word is used when describing good food." I nod. "Delicious" I finish. She smiled then nodded. "Im glad you like it" she pointed out. "Wanna take the pizza over to the living room and find something to watch?" she suggested as she took another bite of the pizza. I shrug. "Sure."

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