Chapter 8 : Rise From The Ashes

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I sighed. I made my decision. Determined, I said, "Phixx, what's the magic word to be my alter ego?" Phixx flew back at me, and she was grinning. "Say, Blazing Fire, rise! But then, I won't be around. Check your weapon for a secret button and tap on the help icon," she said. I smiled at her and without hesitation.....

"Blazing Fire, Rise!"


A bright orange light flooded the room and I closed my eyes. When it finally faded, I opened my eyes. I felt...different. I looked down and saw that my outfit was different. I rushed to my vanity and looked at myself. "Oh my....." I said. In front of me, was a girl with a darker red hair, and it looked like her hair was engulfed in flames because it fades from dark red to the brightest yellow on Earth. Her eyes was a warm sun shade of orange and her outfit was her hair, as if she was engulfed in flames. And that girl was me! Me! It took me quite a while to snap out of it. "Wait, you can think about the outfit later,Cherice! You have a whole city to save!" I said to myself.

I went to my balcony and grabbed my weapon, which looks like a staff. I tapped on the phoenix icon on it and the staff divided in half, showing a screen. I quickly tapped on the icon help and it listed all my abilities and how to do this and that. "Wha- I can fly?! But..only when the sun is up. Welp, can't use that now, it's nighttime. Wait.. that means...I HAVE TO PARKOUR?!!" I exclaimed. I looked at all of the roofs of each building I see. Reluctantly, I started jumping on each roofs."Oh, god. Do it for Nath! Do it for Nath! Do it for -GAHHHHHHH!" I screamed when I almost fall off. Thank goodness I manage to grab onto a flag pole.

I slowly climbed back up on the roof. "Okay, I gotta think first. What possibly could have happened that made Nath akumatized? Akumatization happens when you have a negative emotion inside of you soo.....CHLOE! Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "So, if my hunch is right, he must have gone to Chloe's place to get...get revenge on her! Oh my god, so I better get going to Chloe's house now!" I jumped from roof to roof, but I tried my best to not fall. In the end, I ended up with scratches on both of my elbows and knees. I couldn't see it, but I kinda felt it. I ignored it and peeked into Chloe's room. I saw Nath and Chloe. And she was about to get crushed by a giant high-heel! "STOPPPP!" I yelled and broke her window.

". Hey! That window's expensive!" Chloe exclaimed. "Well your life is MORE expensive so HOLOCAUST FLAME!" I yelled again and rushed towards the heel. It burned down and disaapeared. "Wait wha-" I said in confusion. Suddenly, someone kicked me in the back. I fell down, rolling and stopped next to Chloe. "Hah! New superhero! Pretty amateur skills you got there," he said. I got up, rubbed my back and fought him with my physical skills instead of my powers. " Say what now?" I said. He was struggling to fight me while controlling the heel. I tried to hold him off with all my strength. "Whoa, who is that?"I heard a familiar voice say. "I don't know Chat Noir. But whatever is up here,Evillustrator?" Ladybug said.

I looked at them in relieved but I accidentally let go of Evillustrator. "Argh! Why would you want to save her? If you know her, YOU WON'T EVEN WANT TO SAVE HER!" he yelled. "Maybe if you just think things straight you won't get akumatized!" I shot back. "Ladybug! Chat Noir! I need some help please!" I yelled at the heroes. They both went straight into action. Evillustrator drew a bunch of boxing gloves and shot them at us. Chat Noir and I got hit. Then, somekind of a sharp gear appeared and almost hit Ladybug, but she managed to protect herself. "Chat Noir! He can't draw in the dark," Ladybug said. "Right! Cataclysm!" Chat Noir immediately ran towards the light switch. Suddenly, it dissapeared and I watched as he cataclysmed the wall.

Chat Noir left leg was suddenly chained. "Oh, look. Here's a ball of chain to play with," Evillustrator said. "Curse Nathanael and his god dang artistic skills!" I silently said to myself. Suddenly, the floor disappeared. "Wargh!" I heard Ladybug shout. "Ladybug! Your lucky charm could help!" I exclaimed at Ladybug. She looked at me and shouted, "LUCKY CHARM!". A red glowing light flooded the room and revealed.....a bouncy ball...? "Try and stop me with that little lady!" Evillustrator said. I saw Ladybug thinking something and then she threw the ball across the room. That made the ball bounce to every lights in the room, making it dark. He couldn't draw in the dark so Ladybug took this as a chance to de-akumwzatize him.

When the akumatized pen was in her hands, she broke it in half and a purple butterfly flew. She de-akumatized it and shouted, "Miraculous Ladybug!". And everything went back to normal. I helped Chat Noir up and he looked at me in a weird look. "Oh, right. I haven't properly introduce myself... My name is....uh...Blaze. Yeah," I said to him and Ladybug. " Well, we saw your skills and it was pretty good. Thanks for helping us out. So, pound it?" Ladybug smiled at me and we fist bumped. I looked at Nath, who looked confused. "I better help him, I know where he lives. See ya guys!" I said, waving at them. "Yeah, see ya Blaze!" Ladybug said and went off with Chat Noir.

"Ow, my head," Nathanael said. "You alright?" I asked, offering him my hand. He took my hand, got up, looked at me and asked, " Who...who are you?". I answered,

"Well, the name's Blaze."

And that was my first day on the job.


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