Part 1 ✧ 1st Chapter

Start from the beginning

"I'll see ya!" I yell over my shoulder before walking down into the street where the sun is starting to set.

"Take care, Rue!" I hear his voice behind me. "Don't go fucking around with anything!" He warns me as if he's some kind of psychic, knowing what's going to happen to me within the next forty minutes.

I can't see my bike anywhere and I conclude that I must've walked here after school today and so I probably have to walk home, too.

Home. I don't want to go home. My Mother and sister worry about me, constantly. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have someone care about you but that shit is excessive.

I mean, I get it. But still. I can't deal with the teary eyed looks and the whispers I hear when they think I'm not listening. So I decide not to go home. Not just yet.

Instead, I make my way towards the gas station near Maine Street and walk through the sliding doors, entering a world of bright neon lights and stacked racks.

There is nobody in but the cashier and a girl at the counter. I know the cashier but I don't think I know the girl which is weird. It's a small town, everyone knows everybody.

"Yo, Tom, I'm gonna use the toilet!"

He nods at me over the girls head and she looks over her shoulder. I meet her eyes for a brief second but then she turns away again and I go to the restroom.

There I close the door of the only cabin behind me and take out the plastic baggie Fez had given to me, leaning against the wall.

It'a coke. And here's what I know about it.

Cocaine is extracted from coca leaves and is a strong stimulant most frequently used as a recreational drug. Mental effects may include loss of contact with reality, an intense feeling of happiness, or agitation.

From the moment you inhale or inject it, it takes seconds to a few minutes to kick in.

Quickly I open the baggie and fish my credit card out of the pocket of my sweater. Two lines are enough for now. I'm broke and I gotta limit myself or else I'll be in big trouble.

I use the toilet paper dispenser as support and place my phone, with the white powder on the screen, on top of it. I've done it a couple times already. I think Tom knows but he keeps quiet. I appreciate that.

After snorting the first line without difficulties, I wonder how my nasal mucous isn't completely fucked yet. Then I sit on the floor for a few minutes and stare at the ceiling, waiting for the familiar feeling to spread out through my body.

And then it happens.

Just as I'm about to pull myself together to stand up again, someone pushes the door open and startles me.

Fuck. Busted. The second line is still laying on full display on my phone on the dispenser but it's too late to blow it away.

I come to my feet and stare straight into the deep blue eyes of the strange girl who had been standing at the counter.

My stomach flutters and I feel sick. As if deep down something inside me knows that my life is about to change. Or maybe I'm just scared.

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