Chapter 11

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Sofia pov
I woke up this morning feeling a little bit nauseous I had this huge headache. And then I look around the room I was in a different room what is happening I mean is wrong I mean how do I get here. I was trying to remember what happened last night in the big gasp Remembering how I screamed at him. I was shocked by the way I acted last night, 

"I am so dead" walking back and forth in the room thinking how to get rid of how I screamed

So I just went back to my room, took a nice cold shower and headed to the kitchen to start cooking for breakfast for his highness.

I was still thinking about what I said to him and forgot that I was frying egg and accidentally burned the eggs and the smell was everywhere,

I didn't know it would wake the beast up, my back was facing and heard 

" what the heck are you doing?"

I paused I didn't know what to do, I felt a breath fanning behind my neck, but I wouldn't dare turn around because he was standing right behind me, I was scared that he might hit me or do something else, but eventually I had to answer him.........

(conversation about the preparing the party)

I was waiting for him to leave so I could prepare for his party, although I have heard many harsh words from him, but I know deep down that he truly cares. I have notice because he took me to his room. In return of thanking him, I should prepare this party all by myself.

" Oh my God, he didn't even give me anything to prepare for his party and cook the food for the party" 

So I used my savings from my parents and bought things for the food, I know it was a lot of works doing shopping and prepare food at the same time, so to make things easier I order some things online so that it could be delivered and at the same time cleaning and preparing for food

It was a lot of things to do, I was everywhere, although I wished for help but it was okay. It was almost close to the time for the party to start, everything was set on time, the food, the areas for people to roam around. I went and took a shower, but when I exit the bathroom I heard some noises, so I put my casual wear on. 

As I made my way down the stairs, I saw him facing his back at me, when I was about to approached him, I heard a women voice calling out to him

"Babe, this is amazing"

" Don't babe me, I am not your babe, I only invited you to hang around"

I felt a little bit of relieve that he's not her babe, I said in my mind "take that bitch" why am I behaving this way so I just let it slide 

" Umm, Kevin when is the party starting?"

"It started already, it is just me and Sofia"

"But....but you told me it was people coming over"

" I cancel that, is there a problem with it" with a smirk on his face.

I cried and turned to go and I said some things " do you even know how hard it was for me to prepare this party by myself, you are a very selfish man, you don't think about others but yourself"

" Yes I do" he screamed barking over my way and held my hand tightly " you have no right to talk to me like that, you are only after my money, so if you want out just ask for the  amount and I'll give it to you, because I know how much of a gold digger you are" I let go

" I was never after your money, If I was I would ask you for money to prepare this party, but being a good wife I used my own saving to buy these stuff, just to make you satisfy with things I prepared today" 

" Accuse all you want, believe me I wanted out a long time ago but I couldn't because I had to fulfill our family wishes and that is to have a happy family"

"All that you said before, I let that slide but this time you hurt me, you hurt me so bad, and don't worry I will never communicate or even get in your way anymore, lets just act like strangers in this house, or I'll be your maid" with that being said I walked to my room and locked it, I got on my knees and cried the whole time and said to myself that I would never fall for a beast like him, he doesn't even deserve love, but I do hope he finds happiness in his life, I cried and cried and couldn't even remember the time I passed out.

The next morning I woke up and  cleaned myself, I told myself that I am only going to cook for him and do what wife are supposed to do but communicating or even try to get close to him is not in my list anymore.

I prepared food for him, I saw him walking downstairs and I walked over and gave him his breakfast without even looking at him.

When he was about to leave, I felt like he was trying to say something but stopped at the door and then continued to walk out. Besides I wouldn't even what he will say next time, because I am so done trying to change him...

okay folks so that is an update for tonight, wish you all the best and thank you for reading my book. You guys are amazing and awesome.

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