Chapter 8

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Kevin point of view
I just can't help but think of the way I acted toward her.
She was just so pretty when I saw her sleeping, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her small snore, her beautiful lips and everything I just can't help but think of her.
But I have to hate her because of what she had done to me and making me get settle down soo fast.
I just can't help it but hate her for that. Although it's not her fault be she could have said no.

Let me just go and check up on her maybe she's doing something stupid or who knows.
As I was making my way to her office, I heard noises in her office, I opened it and a broom fell straight to my face.
And I look to the right and saw her facing her back trying kill the mice she saw...
My buildings are very clean but I put her office close to the dumbster close to trash... Because I thought that's where she belong.

I look at her and cussed  "what the f***k are you doing"
She looked at me with surprise and ran up to me

"I am soo sorry sir, I was trying to kill the mice, I didn't see you."

She almost cried holding my eye that hit the broom and I look at her... I never knew she had blue hazel eyes...

"sir, I am so sorry I didn't mean to please I didn't mean to please don't hate me I was just trying to get that mice but then I didn't see you there it was an accident"

She blew my eye and the wind from her breath smelled so nice.
No I should hate her I pushed her away.
"you are working in my office now and don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands. Now if you excuse me I have to go"

"sir I don't know where to go after work am I going to ride with you"

"no walk home I could care less how you get home you are nothing but a slave to me... Slaves don't ride with me"

I gotta get her off my mind, she could walk home for all I care. I know I am very confusing but somehow the more I hater her the more I get her off my mind.

I went for lunch with one of my best buddy Chris, he has his own business but also a player. When I came back from lunch I opened the door to my office and saw small feet on the couch I went up to see and it was her she was sleeping silently.
What the heck she can't sleep it's work time... I pushed her off the couch and she stood up with her arm hurting and looked up at
"I'm sorry sir, I was waiting for you so you could give me the whereabouts to home so I can cook and clean"

"find a way home you worthless person"

With that she ran outside and left..

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