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"Sebie! Sebastian! I'm baaaaack." A voice rang threw the Smythe household.

"OLLIE!" A 9 year old Sebastian Smythe exclaimed happily. The boy ran down the stairs to the front door to see the person he loved the most. He stopped short upon not seeing his father anywhere.

The little 7 year old— Ollie noticed what the older boy was looking for, so instead of helping him or telling him the answer to his obviously question, she grabbed his hand and started running back up the stairs.

"He's at work. I walked." Ollie said to Sebastian.

"Walked?! Ollie that's about 45 minutes by car! And you walked by yourself! You're seven Ollie. It's not right." Sebastian said sadly.

"I'm fine Seby. And today wasn't the greatest day either. He wasn't there. He was with his friends this time, I only saw him at the beginning when I first arrived. I miss him. And I don't think I'll get to see him again. Daddy doesn't like me going there." Ollie told Sebastian sadly. Instead of replying he hugged her. Truth be told Sebastian wanted to meet this 'him'. Even from age 9 Sebastian knew he wasn't really into girls.

"Well screw him then. If he wants to go with stupid friends instead of the best little girl in the entire world then his brain is messed up." Sebastian told the girl with a smile. The girl laughed back at him, but they both soon stopped when they headed the front door open.

"Hurry. In my closet Ollie." Sebastian whispered to the girl.

"No. No not there Sebastian." The girl says panicked.

"Ollie, right now. Please, it will be worse other wise. Please Ollie. Only for a bit. Okay I promise." Sebastian said desperately with worry in the boys eyes.

Ollie nodded and quickly hid the the closet and closed her eyes tightly.

"SEBASTIAN!" A voice boomed from downstairs.

"UP HERE!" Sebastian yelled back hurrying taking about a random textbook to make it seem as if he was studying.

The person whom the voice belonged too came pounding up the stairs and threw open the boys bedroom door.

"Did, she, come, back." The man slurred as if he was drunk, which he probably was.

"No. No she didn't yet. I believe she is staying the night." Sebastian said with no emotion. But behind all of that was a terrified boy just trying to help the people he loved.

"You better not be lying to me." The man slurred again before stumbling out the door.

Sebastian let out a shaky breath and quickly went to his closet and opened the door to see the little girl crying and trying to breath.

"Ollie, Ollie I'm here. You're okay. He's gone. We're okay Ollie." Sebastian said calmly pulling the girl into a hug.

"Thank you Sebie." Ollie whispered.

"I love you Ollie." Sebastian said, right before the door flew open again to a man raging with anger.


End of Flashback

Sebastian woke up crying and sweating. How he wished to forget that memory. Sebastian stumbled to the bathroom and looked at the shell of once loving boy. He hardly recognized himself anymore.

"I'll get you back Ollie. Then everything will go back to the way it was supposed to be." Sebastian whispered the promise he has been trying to keep since he was nine years old.

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